Citizens for Health has a strong commitment to internet privacy. Most of the information on is available at no charge and does not require any personal information to be revealed. does collect normal aggregated website traffic statistics including the referring website, the requested pages and time spent on each page. This information does not reveal any personal information and is only used in a general way to gauge website usage trends.
A number of areas on this site require some identification (e.g. action items, donations) in order to be effective. Citizens for Health makes every effort to ensure the secure collection and transmission of sensitive user information. Financial transactions occur over secured lines and credit details are never stored (unless you have agreed to an ongoing, or “sustainer” contribution, in which case your credit information is stored only as long as needed in order to process the recurring installments of your contribution). Contact information, and any other information you provide, is stored in a secure location and is accessible only by designated staff. Information provided for action alerts is shared only with the targeted elected officials or government officials as required by their offices for submitted comments. Citizens for Health does not sell or otherwise disclose such user information outside the organization. However, if you become a contributing member of Citizens, some information on our membership lists, such as your name and address, may be exchanged with other affiliated organizations. Members may opt out of such membership list exchanges. From time to time we may try to match existing public phone records to our member records in order to reach out to our supporters by phone for updates and to request financial support. While we are exempt from “do not call” lists given that we only try to reach out to those with whom we have a prior affiliation, we do maintain our own internal list for such purposes and will respect any member’s wish to be placed on that list.
Please contact us with any additional questions about our privacy policies.