After ignoring legislative directives and a deep well of scientific data over the last 33 years, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has belatedly banned the continued use of Food, Drug & Cosmetic (FD&C) red dye no. 3 in food, including dietary supplements (effective January 15, 2027) and ingested drugs (effective January 18, 2028). This action comes more than…
Citizens For Health
Baby food sold in California just got a lot cleaner. California Assembly Bill AB 899 will now require that baby food manufacturers regularly test their products for specific toxic elements (e.g., arsenic, cadmium, lead and mercury) and to disclose the levels of those elements to consumers on brand websites. Further, dietary supplements marketed to children aged two and under fall…
Open your mind to new possibilities and maybe change the way you approach health treatments – both natural and conventional. That’s the main request of Benton Bramwell, ND and Ridgecrest Herbals’ CEO, W. Matthew Warnock, JD in their new book, Rethinking Medicine: Harmonizing Science and Herbal Tradition. From the Beginning The book begins with personal stories of the authors’ winding…
Last week, Citizens for Health (CFH) and the National Health Federation (NHF) jointly filed an Amici Curiae brief in United States v. Xlear, a pending Federal Trade Commission (FTC) enforcement action in the United States District Court for the Central Division of Utah. The amici brief filing, also called a Friends-of-the-Court brief, supports a motion by Xlear, Inc. (the corporate…
This month, Japan revived efforts to collect samples of melted fuel debris from Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant using a robot. In March 2011, a magnitude 9.0 earthquake and tsunami caused the Fukushima nuclear plant’s cooling systems to fail, leaving behind fuel debris and other radioactivate contaminants. This latest attempt to collect and study a fuel sample from the site…
It is with great sadness that Citizens for Health announces the death of James J. Gormley, our President and Senior Policy Advisor, and principal of Gormley NPI Consulting. He was a talented and articulate voice for natural health options; a leader, a father, and a mentor and friend to many. He died unexpectedly on August 14, 2024 in Delray Beach,…
On Monday, July 15, 2024, our partners at Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network, will assemble a panel of experts, including Citizens for Health’s President and Senior Policy Advisor, James Gormely to brief Congress about the ongoing problem of radioactive contamination of our food and water and what steps our legislators can take to mitigate contamination. Join us for an online briefing…
Some of the most powerful forms of control are the ones we don’t see. Using complex algorithms and AI, private tech giants like Alphabet that own Google and YouTube wield unseen power, filtering what we see and don’t see. This restriction of free speech, as seen in YouTube’s new medical misinformation policy, hinders critical thought and prevents diverse perspectives around…
Kimberly Roberson: CindyFolkers: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Japan plans to release over one million tons of radioactive wastewater into the Pacific; U.S. groups demand FDA establish safer rules for radionuclides in food, say current guidelines lag behind science,…