Growing evidence suggests that Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs), the frequencies that carry cell phone messages and other wireless data, play an important role in a number of health conditions such as heart disease, cancer and immune system disorders, and undermine the lives of animals, trees and other vegetation. We at Citizens for Health share the message below to alert you to…
Cell Phones / EMF
UPDATE: Watch Senator Blumenthal’s press conference on the dangers of 5G: View it here. As the Senator notes, despite the FCC’s assurances that 5G is “safe,” “We need evidence.” And classified evidence is NOT enough. CFH and NISLAPP believe the available scientific evidence: The impact will be harmful. “We do not know it is safe” is very different than “It…
Learn About: The Emerging Public Health Issue From Cell Phones and Wireless Technologies. The trillion dollar wireless communications industry has grown to dominate our lives over the past decades yet little concern has been paid by U.S. public health officials to the long term health risks from continually bathing ourselves, and our children, in electromagnetic fields. Warnings From Around the…
Citizens for Health is calling attention to the new report, “Getting Smarter About the Smart Grid” because, in addition to the wasted money, unsafe technology, intrusions on privacy, and manipulation of energy bills, so called “smart” meters are alleged to pose serious health hazards to a significant number of people. Please read the material below and urge your Senators and…
Washington, D.C. – Citizen-activists are being urged by Citizens for Health, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, and the EMF advocacy group,, to contact their representatives in Congress to request the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to update its obsolete cell tower safety regulations. The FCC’s cell tower safety regulations need to be revised immediately because: 1) WHO has classified…
“50+ EMF Safety Tips & Insights” is an overview of cell phone and wireless technology hazards prepared for the convenience of media, physicians, health practitioners, parents, schools, and patients with chronic or unexplained illnesses by leading health and environmental activist, Camilla Rees, MBA. Read this foundational education and share!
World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer has classified cell phone radiation as a ‘Possible Human Carcinogen’ (Class 2B). This provides the 1st official scientific basis on which governments, schools and parents can now legitimately call for precautionary behavior regarding these radiation-emitting devices.
By Cecilia Kang Washington Post Staff Writer Tuesday, June 29, 2010; A01 original link: San Francisco, a city that banned the plastic bag, now has waded into the muddy territory of cellphone radiation, setting off a call to arms in the $153 billion wireless industry. Last week, the Board of Supervisors passed a law — the first in the…
Interphone Study Design Flaws from ElectromagneticHealth.Org on Vimeo.