
21 Jan: The Bonvie Blog: Monosodium Glutamate, or MSG

Here’s the best New Year’s resolution you can make BY LINDA BONVIE If you made a New Year’s resolution, probably by now the enthusiasm in following this self-improvement ritual has slowly faded into the humdrum of daily life. But I’m here to help revitalize things. It’s not too late to make one of the best New Year’s resolutions of all….

28 Mar: The Bonvie Blog: Alzheimer’s

Is a New Drug Strategy Really What We Need to Prevent Alzheimer’s?  By LINDA BONVIE and BILL BONVIE So what’s up with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)? An agency that has been derelict in its duties of protecting the public for quite some time now appears to have gone completely off the rails (as have other regulatory entities) since…

18 Dec: Lawmakers Push Back Against The Latest Flimsy Campaign To Crack Down On Kratom

The herbal drug “should be legal and available for those struggling with addiction,” said Rep. Jared Polis. By Nick Wing Members of the U.S. House began circulating two Dear Colleague letters on Wednesday, urging their fellow lawmakers to take a stand against renewed federal efforts to crack down on the herbal drug kratom. One letter, written by Reps. Jared Polis (D-Colo.)…


07 Jan: Dental Mercury Linked to Risk for Brain Damage

The following is reprinted with the permission of McClatchyDC Dental group defends mercury fillings amid mounting evidence of risks By Greg Gordon WASHINGTON – For decades, the American Dental Association has resolutely defended the safety of mercury fillings in the teeth of more than 100 million Americans, even muzzling dentists who dared to warn patients that such fillings might…


05 Nov: The Latest in the Effort to Bash Supplements

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, October 30, 2015 Big Names; Big Mistakes Consumers Misled by Supplement Bashing by Gert Schuitemaker, PhD (1) and Bo Jonsson, MD, PhD (2) (OMNS, Oct 30, 2015) Big names: the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), arguably the most prestigious medical journal in the world. Plus, the New York Times. On October 14th,…


16 Jun: Yet Another Sneak Attack on Supplements from Blumenthal and Durbin

Courtesy of our allies at Alliance for Natural Health This time it’s been slipped into a defense bill. Major Action Alert – Send Your Letter Now! We suspected it would only be a matter of time before Sen. Dick Durbin (D-IL) launched his next broadside against supplements. Once again, Durbin and his allies, including Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), are pouncing…


14 Oct: Who’s Afraid of Supplements? “Do You Believe in Paul Offit?”

by Alison Rose Levy The Medical Establishment’s “Favorite” Doctor and His Crusade Against Supplements and Alternative Medicine Paul Offit’s new book and media blitz pretend to be objective, but really offer one-sided bashing of natural healthcare. Dr. Paul Offit, chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at? Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia? has authored a new book, Do You Believe in…

29 Jul: “Health at Gunpoint: The FDA’s Silent War Against Health Freedom”

What forces and interests direct the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and why is this out-of-control law enforcement agency working so hard to take dietary supplements out of our hands? These are the central questions explored by Citizens for Health’s very own VP and Senior Policy Advisor, James Gormley, in Health at Gunpoint: The FDA’s Silent War Against Health Freedom,…

31 May: In A Victory For Consumers, FDA Turns Thumbs Down On “Corn Sugar” Alias For HFCS

Thanks to Linda Bonvie, blogger for the Citizens for Health project Food Identity Theft, for the following post. For the past several months, we here at Food Identity Theft have urged our readers to submit their comments to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on the Corn Refiners Association’s petition to allow the name “high fructose corn syrup” to be…