Dental Choice

04 Apr: Badditives!

In Badditives! The 13 Most Harmful Food Additives in Your Diet and How to Avoid Them, Linda and Bill Bonvie, who for several years wrote the Citizens for Health “Food Identity Theft” blog, identified a rogues’ gallery of the “worst of the worst” ingredients out there. We were fortunate to be able to bring you selections below from this important…


07 Jan: Dental Mercury Linked to Risk for Brain Damage

The following is reprinted with the permission of McClatchyDC Dental group defends mercury fillings amid mounting evidence of risks By Greg Gordon WASHINGTON – For decades, the American Dental Association has resolutely defended the safety of mercury fillings in the teeth of more than 100 million Americans, even muzzling dentists who dared to warn patients that such fillings might…


24 Jul: Officials Kill Proposal to Curb Mercury Fillings

Proposed Warnings Have Been Kept Secret for More Than Three Years WASHINGTON – For the first time the Food and Drug Administration has proposed curbing dentists’ use of mercury in treating Americans’ decayed teeth. This would be a major step forward in protecting Americans from one of the planet’s nastiest toxins.  It would be – if senior U.S. health officials…

02 Dec: Dental Care Procedures Without Mercury

On November 16, a number of nongovernmental organizations (NGO) urged the World Health Organization (WHO) to end the use of mercury in dental care procedures. More than 70 NGOs signed a letter that was presented to the WHO that called for a ban on the use of dental mercury in procedures such as fillings. Mercury can damage both the environment…

17 Sep: Mercury On The Mind Report

original link: By Carter M. Throckmorton In an escalating chorus of evidence from around the globe, emerging scientific research is providing direct links between amalgam dental fillings and childhood vaccinations and toxic mercury exposure. Various serious immune system and mental disorders such as Alzheimer’s, ADD/ADHD, depression, fibromyalgia, headaches, insomnia and Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome/Epstein-Barr Virus, are now believed…