Food Labeling

Diamond-shaped crossing sign with yellow background and black border with a radiation sign in the middle.

07 Jul: Help Congress Understand Dangers of Radioactive Contamination of Food and Water

On Monday, July 15, 2024, our partners at Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network, will assemble a panel of experts, including Citizens for Health’s President and Senior Policy Advisor, James Gormely to brief Congress about the ongoing problem of radioactive contamination of our food and water and what steps our legislators can take to mitigate contamination. Join us for an online briefing…


23 Oct: Supplement Labels are Changing – Be #LabelWise

Consumers have a wide variety of choice when it comes to purchasing dietary supplements—choice that exists in selecting product categories and specific products as well as choosing the company or source that sells them. Some choices are smarter than others, and consumers would be wise to do their homework. Supplement labels are changing in 2020. Time to get #LabelWise!

21 Jan: The Bonvie Blog: Monosodium Glutamate, or MSG

Here’s the best New Year’s resolution you can make BY LINDA BONVIE If you made a New Year’s resolution, probably by now the enthusiasm in following this self-improvement ritual has slowly faded into the humdrum of daily life. But I’m here to help revitalize things. It’s not too late to make one of the best New Year’s resolutions of all….

07 Oct: The Bonvie Blog: Partially Hydrogenated Oils

Partially Hydrogenated Oils Are Now Banned, Right? Well, Yes — Only Not Quite By LINDA and BILL BONVIE They’re supposed to be history by now. We’re talking about the particularly dangerous class of food additives known as partially hydrogenated oils, or PHOs, which are the result of solidifying a vegetable oil by infusing it with hydrogen gas. Long used to…

29 Aug: The Bonvie Blog: HFCS

New Study Finds that Fructose Fuels Cancer Cells By LINDA and BILL BONVIE Canadian Sol Orwell may not be any relation to the late British author George Orwell, but some of the statements made on the website he co-founded seven years ago, – an endeavor which he says is intended to rebut “outlandish claims” on topics like health, nutrition…

15 Jul: Online Expert Series Reveals: How to Heal from GMOs and Roundup

As mounting evidence suggests that eating Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) promotes health disorders and diseases, there has been a conspicuous lack of information about how to counteract the damaging impacts—until now. On July 17th, GMO investigator Jeffrey Smith launches a free expert-interview series called “Healing from GMOs and Roundup,” featuring 18 leading scientists, physicians, product formulators, and specialists. Hosted at…

10 Apr: The Bonvie Blog: Read Your Labels Day 2018

‘Read Your Labels Day’ – Now More Important Than Ever! By LINDA BONVIE and BILL BONVIE What makes this April 11, Citizens for Health’s sixth annual Read Your Labels Day, perhaps the most important one yet? Two developments, actually. One is a USDA decision to override the National Organics Standards Board’s (NOSB) vote (taken well over a year ago) to…

07 Apr: The Bonvie Blog: Read Your Labels Day Is Coming

Read Your Labels Day Six years ago, Citizens for Health designated April 11 as “Read Your Labels Day,” #RYLD, an event to shine a spotlight on the importance of reading the most vital part of a food package – not the “Nutrition Facts” label, not the advertising copy on the front, not the pretty pictures of fruits or veggies —…