Food/Water Integrity

Diamond-shaped crossing sign with yellow background and black border with a radiation sign in the middle.

07 Jul: Help Congress Understand Dangers of Radioactive Contamination of Food and Water

On Monday, July 15, 2024, our partners at Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network, will assemble a panel of experts, including Citizens for Health’s President and Senior Policy Advisor, James Gormely to brief Congress about the ongoing problem of radioactive contamination of our food and water and what steps our legislators can take to mitigate contamination. Join us for an online briefing…

19 Sep: The Gormley Files – Preserving Our Natural Resources Preserves Health

Good news! The bill referred to below passed the Senate on October 10 – thanks to all who sent messages to their Senators! Read more here: Senate Must Pass The Water Resources Development Act by James J. Gormley Fixing our water issues is perhaps the most important priority for the state of Florida, the region and the country. On…

28 Jun: The Bonvie Blog: Vanishing Act

‘Disappearance’ of GMOs, Monsanto, Should Be No Cause for Complacency By LINDA and BILL BONVIE You might think of it as a kind of double disappearing act – a pair of closely related evil entities now on the verge of vanishing before our very eyes. We’re talking about the man-made mutations commonly known as genetically modified organisms, or GMOs (often…

21 Nov: The Bonvie Blog: How About Some REAL Food for Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving offers a wonderful opportunity — not only to “gather together” with family members and friends from near and far for a traditional homemade feast, but in so doing, to reject today’s fraudulent food culture in favor of the kinds of things that Mother Nature intended to sustain us. You might even say that there’s no better way to show…


31 Mar: New Book Reveals Deception Behind GE Foods

 NEW BREAKTHROUGH BOOK EXPOSES THE FRAUDULENT FOUNDATION OF THE GE FOODS INDUSTRY – LET’S MAKE IT A NATIONAL BESTSELLER “Druker’s brilliant expose catches the promoters of GE food red-handed: falsifying data, corrupting regulators, lying to Congress. He thoroughly demonstrates how distortions and deceptions have been piled one on top of another, year after year, producing a global industry that teeters…


18 Nov: Have Legitimate Food Fears? You May Be a Candidate For a Shrink

Lately, we’ve been hearing a lot about “food fears.” In the past few months, for example, we’ve seen a couple of university “studies,” both funded by the Corn Refiners Association, which represents makers of high fructose corn syrup, that suggested that consumers harboring such fears are really ill-informed or don’t deserve to be taken seriously by the food industry. But…