Food/Water Integrity
original link: Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics By Alfred Bernard, PhD, Marc Nickmilder, PhD, Catherine Voisin, MSc and Antonia Sardella, MD, Department of Public Health, Catholic University of Louvain, Brussels, Belgium Objective: The goal was to estimate the burden of allergic diseases associated with chlorinated pool exposure among adolescents. Methods: We examined 847 students, 13 to 18 years…
original link: By Chris Hedges Our most potent political weapon is food. If we take back our agriculture, if we buy and raise produce locally, we can begin to break the grip of corporations that control a food system as fragile, unsafe and destined for collapse as our financial system. If we continue to allow corporations to determine what…
The Pew Initiative on Food and Biotechnology was established in 2001 to be an independent and objective source of credible information on agricultural biotechnology for the public, media and policymakers. Funded through a grant from the Pew Charitable Trusts to the University of Richmond, the Initiative advocates neither for, nor against, agricultural biotechnology. Instead, the Initiative is committed to providing…
By MARILYNN MARCHIONE, AP Medical Writer – Thu Aug 20, 2009 MILWAUKEE – From heart-friendly margarines to sugary cereals that strengthen bones, once-demonized foods are being spiked with nutrients to give them a healthier glow — and consumers are biting, even on some that are little more than dressed-up junk food. A report released Thursday finds that even in a…
Thanks to Frank Herd for this tip. Article by DINA CAPPIELLO – August 19, 2009 (AP) WASHINGTON — A federal study of mercury contamination released Wednesday found the toxic substance in every fish tested at nearly 300 streams across the country, a finding that underscores how widespread mercury pollution has become. The study by the U.S. Geological Survey is the…
By Alison Rose Levy via The Integrative Health Outlook Studies show that over half of all Americans are interested in promoting wellness and preventing disease. But some people are terrified that the food Nazis will come running after them and force feed them spinach. In a series of upcoming blogs I’ll be speaking with thought leaders in integrative medicine and…