The herbal drug “should be legal and available for those struggling with addiction,” said Rep. Jared Polis. By Nick Wing Members of the U.S. House began circulating two Dear Colleague letters on Wednesday, urging their fellow lawmakers to take a stand against renewed federal efforts to crack down on the herbal drug kratom. One letter, written by Reps. Jared Polis (D-Colo.)…
Health Freedom
Although this is coveted as a wonderful bill that is needed in the US so that drugs and medical devices can be fast tracked, if you read the nearly 1000 pages it is clear this is dangerous bill that is has the best interests of the Pharmaceutical industry at heart, NOT its consumers.
Every holiday season, I start to think about how to handle the social events on my holiday calendar. It gets me thinking about what strategies I use to manage my eating during these “potentially” treacherous times.
While our spirits often yearn for changes that give us greater peace, freedom and connectedness, we must embrace the essential paradox that makes change possible.
Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) or “Tapping” is a psychological use of the acupuncture meridian points that helps to alleviate physical and emotional problems.
America has a representative government. Voters elect leaders who appoint civil servants, and they implement ‘public policy’. This works for much public business, but in areas involving social services—school reform, drug rehabilitation, criminal justice, race relations, poverty and even security policy, results fall far short of aspirations.
The Transpartisan Review Blog #3: The Transpartisan World of Subjects
By A. Lawrence Chickering and James S. Turner The British vote to leave the European Union (EU) caught everyone by surprise—pundits, politicians and profiteers. Part of the confusion stems from analyzing the disaffection in terms of left and right. In the mainstream analysis, xenophobic racism explained why the far right wanted separation; therefore everyone else should have united around ‘remain’,…
By A. Lawrence Chickering and James S. Turner As we noted in our introduction, The Transpartisan Review will concentrate on promoting new political ideas, ideas that bring people together who are now in conflict. Since the current debate focuses entirely on conflict, the approaches we explore will be hard to find in the current debate. Yet they are often essential…
Dear Citizen for Health, Below is an introduction to The Transpartisan Review project. My co-author, Lawry Chickering, and I are developing the Review to expand the themes in our 2008 book Voice of the People: The Transpartisan Imperative in American Life. I think it is of special importance and relevance to Citizens for Health because health is one of the largest arenas where people from…