By James Gormley I was pleasantly surprised, in 2004, when Ana Micka reached out to me at the suggestion of Jim Turner. The CUNY Graduate Center was holding a symposium on globalism and Citizens needed somebody to talk about the EU Supplements Directive and Codex, and about how common ground could be found between consumers and industry. Finding common ground…
Health Freedom
Here’s the best New Year’s resolution you can make BY LINDA BONVIE If you made a New Year’s resolution, probably by now the enthusiasm in following this self-improvement ritual has slowly faded into the humdrum of daily life. But I’m here to help revitalize things. It’s not too late to make one of the best New Year’s resolutions of all….
Escape from the Emergency Room By James J. Gormley A few years back, I realized that I had a medical “situation,” a male concern I had wondered about for a couple of months, yet had dealt with by the time-honored male tradition of “avoidance” — if I pretend everything’s okay, the problem will go away — not the best approach….
Integrative Health & Wellness Caucus Focuses on Putting Health Back in Healthcare Bipartisan Effort Cites Prevention and Integrative Health Solutions to Combat Opioid Crisis WASHINGTON, D.C., March 21, 2018 – Reps. Mike Coffman, R-CO and Jared Polis, D-CO, welcomed members of Congress, their staff and healthcare stakeholders to an inaugural meeting of the new Integrative Health and Wellness Caucus to…
Is a New Drug Strategy Really What We Need to Prevent Alzheimer’s? By LINDA BONVIE and BILL BONVIE So what’s up with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)? An agency that has been derelict in its duties of protecting the public for quite some time now appears to have gone completely off the rails (as have other regulatory entities) since…
The good news is that there may well be a relatively simple way for many individuals now caught up in the ongoing nationwide opioid crisis to pull themselves out of it. And that’s no small thing, considering that that this man-made catastrophe has killed an estimated 20,000 Americans from overdoses in 2016 alone. The bad news is that the federal government is trying its best to make such apparent salvation illegal.
October 31, 2017 Now that Halloween is here again (it always sneaks up on you), we hope you’ve heeded our earlier advice and found treats that are free of the various “badditives” that are still being allowed in so many products. But those scary ingredients, such as high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors, aspartame and even the partially hydrogenated oil…
October 18, 2017 New Jersey – Halloween is coming. And the scariest stuff is as close as your fridge or pantry. It’s that time of year again when, unless you live in an isolated cabin in the woods (or possibly more so if you do), stocking up on “treats” is practically obligatory. Now, maybe you’re not in the habit of…
October 6, 2017 New Jersey – For several weeks during the spring and summer we sent you excerpts from Badditives! The 13 Most Harmful Food Additives in Your Diet and How to Avoid Them by Linda and Bill Bonvie, the longtime writers of our Food Identity Theft blogs. We are pleased to share with you here a follow-up message from…
Dear Citizen for Health, Below is an introduction to The Transpartisan Review project. My co-author, Lawry Chickering, and I are developing the Review to expand the themes in our 2008 book Voice of the People: The Transpartisan Imperative in American Life. I think it is of special importance and relevance to Citizens for Health because health is one of the largest arenas where people from…