High Fructose Corn Syrup

19 Nov: The Bonvie Blog: Lectin

Have a happy lectin-, gluten-, additive-free Thanksgiving! By LINDA BONVIE Let me start by saying that consuming unadulterated food has become increasingly challenging. And as we enter the “eating season” that begins with Thanksgiving, complications can heat up at a rapid pace. If you’re not careful, a “traditional” Thanksgiving meal can easily become a “chemical feast,” to borrow the title…

29 Aug: The Bonvie Blog: HFCS

New Study Finds that Fructose Fuels Cancer Cells By LINDA and BILL BONVIE Canadian Sol Orwell may not be any relation to the late British author George Orwell, but some of the statements made on the website he co-founded seven years ago, Examine.com – an endeavor which he says is intended to rebut “outlandish claims” on topics like health, nutrition…

30 Oct: The Bonvie Blog: Dangers Lurk After Halloween

October 31, 2017 Now that Halloween is here again (it always sneaks up on you), we hope you’ve heeded our earlier advice and found treats that are free of the various “badditives” that are still being allowed in so many products. But those scary ingredients, such as high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors, aspartame and even the partially hydrogenated oil…

29 Oct: The Bonvie Blog: Tricks or Treats? Halloween Creeps Nearer…

October 18, 2017 New Jersey – Halloween is coming. And the scariest stuff is as close as your fridge or pantry. It’s that time of year again when, unless you live in an isolated cabin in the woods (or possibly more so if you do), stocking up on “treats” is practically obligatory. Now, maybe you’re not in the habit of…

04 Apr: Badditives!

In Badditives! The 13 Most Harmful Food Additives in Your Diet and How to Avoid Them, Linda and Bill Bonvie, who for several years wrote the Citizens for Health “Food Identity Theft” blog, identified a rogues’ gallery of the “worst of the worst” ingredients out there. We were fortunate to be able to bring you selections below from this important…


06 Aug: CFH Petition Calls for Accurate Labels for Products Containing HFCS and Other Sugars

Your Turn to Comment on FDA’s Proposed Changes to Labeling Rules We’re gaining momentum in the fight to change the labeling of added sugar on nutrition labels. As you may know, more and more food manufacturers are leaving HFCS out of their foods. Most recently, the FDA announced proposed changes to the nutritional information on product labels that would include…


03 Aug: Consumers Vindicated: Manufacturers Leaving HFCS Out of More Packaged Foods

The power of well-informed consumers to reverse harmful food industry practices has once again been demonstrated by the response of a major company to the concerns of its customers. The company is General Mills, which has come out with a TV commercial proclaiming that “What matters most should always come first – which is why we use whole grains in…


09 Jul: A ‘study’ in collusion: Cornell and the Corn Refiners

When we refer to “a study” done at some prestigious university, we’re usually talking about scientific research in which the effects of a particular substance on animal or human subjects have been carefully evaluated over a period of time, and then published in a peer-reviewed professional journal.  A number of such studies cited in this blog, for example, have suggested…


30 May: Consumers Compel Food Makers To Remove HFCS From Products

In response to a backlash from consumers, a growing number of food and beverage companies have changed their recipes to remove industrial sweeteners that people find objectionable.  We’ve named High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) as the most important ingredient to avoid, and you listened. Furthermore, concerned consumers are asking businesses to remove it from their products.  The food and beverage industry…