The Gormley Files

CFH Vice President and Senior Policy Advisor James Gormley's monthly series focusing on issues of importance to preserving and expanding our health freedom.
FTC building viewed from an angle a few blocks away and from a few stories above street level

25 May: Understanding FTC’s Warning to Industry: Considerations for the Natural Products Industry

Notices are seen as a maneuver after the Supreme Court ruled FTC can no longer use Section 13(b) of the FTC Act to collect fines from first-time offenders By James J. Gormley, Gormley NPI Consulting, CFH President and Senior Policy Advisor This post first appeared on Nutraceuticals World, reposted with permission In April, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) put nearly…

19 Sep: The Gormley Files – Preserving Our Natural Resources Preserves Health

Good news! The bill referred to below passed the Senate on October 10 – thanks to all who sent messages to their Senators! Read more here: Senate Must Pass The Water Resources Development Act by James J. Gormley Fixing our water issues is perhaps the most important priority for the state of Florida, the region and the country. On…

23 Apr: The Gormley Files – YOU Are the Truth Champions

YOU Are the Truth Champions By James J. Gormley Facts. Truth. What is it about versions of these words that have had shifting uses and meanings throughout the millennia? They have been morphed into tools of propaganda, instruments of oppression and even edicts from kings or despots—who say what they decide is the truth. Many of us who are believers…