Workplace Wellness


24 Jan: Capitol Wellness Expo – February 7, 2013

Capitol Wellness Expo Exhibits, Speakers, Networking February 7, 2013 10:00a to 5:30p, Cannon House Office Building, Rooms 121 and 122. Free Admission. All are welcome. Please take a moment to forward this flyer to your Representative and Senators. Ask them to send someone from their offices, and to post the flyer. Click here to find contact information for your Representative…

18 Jan: Sign the Petition Supporting a Healthier Workplace!

Dear Citizen for Health, As the Consumer Voice of the Natural Health Community we are committed to preserving and expanding your health freedoms and ensuring that you have access to the resources you need to make informed decisions about maintaining your health and wellness. It is from that perspective that we bring to your attention this article: The Case for…