Your Turn to Comment on FDA’s Proposed Changes to Labeling Rules
We’re gaining momentum in the fight to change the labeling of added sugar on nutrition labels. As you may know, more and more food manufacturers are leaving HFCS out of their foods.
Most recently, the FDA announced proposed changes to the nutritional information on product labels that would include information on how much added sugar a food contains. We at Citizens For Health applaud this move, but we need your help to encourage the FDA to do more.
Specifically: we’re asking the FDA to:
- Include “nutritive sweetener” after “Added Sugars”
- Identify the name of the added sugar
- Identify the percentage of fructose if the added sugar is high fructose corn syrup (HFCS)
We need your comments on the amendment, even if you already commented on the the original petition. More than 30,000 comments were received on our original petition; we want to increase that tenfold for the amendment.