CFH Posts Its Comments to the FDA re the Corn Sugar Sham

By now you are all familiar with the all-out campaign by the Corn Refiners Association (CRA) to change the name of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) to “corn sugar.”

In March we alerted you to their petition to the FDA, which they claim is in the interest of “consumer clarity.”

This week CFH submitted its official comments to the FDA, and you can read the letter here.

We will repeat a question here we’ve asked many times over: How can changing the name of a product consumers have become familiar with over nearly three decades actually lead to greater clarity?

Quite simply, it won’t.

It is a misguided effort by the corn refining industry leadership to hide an ingredient (HCFS) that grows more unpopular by the day.

Sales of HFCS are down 11% and an ever-increasing number of manufacturers, markets, and schools are rushing to eliminate the man-made sweetener. The more aware and informed consumers become about HFCS, the more they seek alternatives or avoid products containing HFCS altogether.

The CRA is feeling the pinch and is naturally eager to protect the bottom line of its refiner members. CFH is leading the way in the fight against this corn sugar sham.

Last week we launched a new website dedicated to protecting your right to know what is contained in what you eat and drink – – and CFH supporters have sent more than 21,000 messages to decision-makers, from Congress to the FDA, urging them to deny the CRA’s petition.

Please take a moment now and submit your own comments to the FDA telling them to resist this “corn sugar sham.”

If you haven’t already sent a message, please do so! Consumer input and participation is the most critical part of our multi-pronged campaign to preserve your access to truthful, non-misleading health and nutrition information.

Also be sure to check back often at and for updates and further opportunities to take action.

Comments (2)

how can a company or association make claims on a television commerical that are not true but if the vitamin or natural resourse products make claims the FDA will shut them down.Makes one wonder who’s side the FDA is own.

thats is false advertisement, any other company would get sued. your corn sugar claim is FALSE> REAL SUGAR and the ONLY Sugar is CANE SUGAR


You have no right to tell me what I can and cannot take. Your attempting to push people into taking ‘ drugs’ instead of real food, it illegal, unethical immoral and a mafia.

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