Within a week of Linda Bonvie’s post to the #bonvieblog asking why we in the US are not using high-dose Vitamin C to treat some coronavirus patients, the state of New York started doing just that.
To get the full story, click here.
Within a week of Linda Bonvie’s post to the #bonvieblog asking why we in the US are not using high-dose Vitamin C to treat some coronavirus patients, the state of New York started doing just that.
To get the full story, click here.
Hysterectomy Part IV More Answers and Questions by Debbie Braaten THE REMOVAL OF ADDITIONAL ORGANS Dr. Burke’s response to the question “can other organs be removed at the time of hysterectomy?” went straight to the point: yes. Most surgical consent forms contain language that permits other organs to be removed in order to control bleeding, complete the planned procedure, or…
Originally posted on FoodIdentityTheft.com by Linda Bonvie January 3, 2013 In mid-December 2012, to much fanfare, a dump truck poured 9.6 tons of white sand onto the parking lot of Howard County, Maryland’s Burleigh Manor Middle School as students shouted “Dump That Sugar!” The dumping display marked the official launch of Howard County Unsweetened, a multi-faceted, community-wide campaign to reduce…
Citizens for Health regrets the loss of a dear friend and champion of the health freedom movement, Jim Duke. A renaissance man in the truest sense of the word, and as frequent collaborator Steven Foster notes, “His impact and inspiration for the last three generations of all aspects of the herbal community cannot be overstated.” He worked for the USDA’s…
Although this is coveted as a wonderful bill that is needed in the US so that drugs and medical devices can be fast tracked, if you read the nearly 1000 pages it is clear this is dangerous bill that is has the best interests of the Pharmaceutical industry at heart, NOT its consumers.
October 18, 2017 New Jersey – Halloween is coming. And the scariest stuff is as close as your fridge or pantry. It’s that time of year again when, unless you live in an isolated cabin in the woods (or possibly more so if you do), stocking up on “treats” is practically obligatory. Now, maybe you’re not in the habit of…
Registered Republicans and Democrats combined make up a minority (40%) of the U.S. voting-age population. Of the remaining 60% about 30% identify as Independents, and about 30% don’t bother registering at all…
More evidence that the FDA is working with Sen. Durbin to eliminate your supplements access. Action Alert! The dominoes continue to line up for Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) and his plan to restrict your supplement access. Last week, the FDA issued a policy designed to get companies to comply with its troublesome “new supplement” guidance that threatens over 41,000 supplements….
By James J. Gormley In our August 23rd post, we alerted you to a U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) draft guidance on “new” dietary ingredients. We recommended that our 100,000+ members ask the FDA to withdraw the guidance and to not adopt the policies underpinning the interpretation behind this “guidance” in its review and enforcement activities. In the meantime,…
Fake Foods – Five ways to make eating a safer proposition in 2020 by Linda and Bill Bonvie With all the mock meat, fake eggs and even bogus proteins making a big splash in 2019, it very well could be remembered as the year of ersatz edibles. But despite all the glowing advertising and discussion of how such plant products…
The flu vaccination: a shot in the dark that misses by a mile By LINDA BONVIE By now the flu-shot propaganda machine is in full swing. The truth is we can’t go anywhere after summer folds its tent without being bombarded with a pitch to get one of these jabs. So, should you? Will that needle poke be the extra…
It is with great sadness that Citizens for Health announces the death of James J. Gormley, our President and Senior Policy Advisor, and principal of Gormley NPI Consulting. He was a talented and articulate voice for natural health options; a leader, a father, and a mentor and friend to many. He died unexpectedly on August 14, 2024 in Delray Beach,…
America has a representative government. Voters elect leaders who appoint civil servants, and they implement ‘public policy’. This works for much public business, but in areas involving social services—school reform, drug rehabilitation, criminal justice, race relations, poverty and even security policy, results fall far short of aspirations.
Suzanne’s Detoxification Tea Nice taste (with a little added Sweetleaf Stevia liquid for we humans)! You would never know this is good for you and pleasant These items come from Natural Grocers in small packets: * Milk thistle root * Dandelion root * Burdock root * Parsley root * Juniper berries * Nettles * Rosemary * Sage leaf * Oat…
Practice safety when it comes to protecting yourself from the sun, and let the FDA know they need to study sunscreens further
Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, a California-based and family-owned maker of the top-selling natural brand of soap in North America, announced today that they have donated another $250,000 to Proposition 37, The California Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act. According to a press release announcing this from Dr. Bronner’s, “Prop. 37 has been losing support in voter polls due to…