EMFs, Astronomy and Satellite Network Interference – The Balance Group


Growing evidence suggests that Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs), the frequencies that carry cell phone messages and other wireless data, play an important role in a number of health conditions such as heart disease, cancer and immune system disorders, and undermine the lives of animals, trees and other vegetation. We at Citizens for Health share the message below to alert you to an opportunity to make a difference on these issues by joining The Balance Group – a coalition of consumer, environmental, health, human rights and business groups dedicated to bringing balance to the use of new communication technologies, human lives and the natural world in which both life and technology thrive. Read the invitation below and if you find yourself motivated to do so, please join The Balance Group. You will receive information, learn of actions you can take on issues like EMFs, and meet others committed to returning balance to the relationship between technology, health and nature. It’s free. Thanks for considering joining.

Jim Turner, Board Chair Citizens for Health

Are you concerned that massive satellite and wireless networks are being approved and built without sufficient impact studies?

Join the forum for balanced research and advocacy for respecting the need for technology while also improving the human and environmental conditions. 

Members receive:EMFs

  • Reports and an inside track on the latest legal and technical concerns
  • Free access to webinars
  • Input In developing Balance Group’s Research & Development Foundation
  • Privileged information on suggested solutions for identifying, addressing and reversing the harms and potential harms stemming from large-scale, man-made networks, including and not limited to: 
    • Satellite mega-constellations
    • Systems that create systemic light-pollution
    • Preventing deforestation and habitat destruction
    • Keeping a strong focus on human health
    • Researching on removing harms to flora and fauna.

Follow this link for Information on how to Join The Balance Group:  https://www.thebalancegroup.net/index.html#membership

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