- Donate your time and/or money to FFAN’s crucial effort today!
- Sign FFAN’s Food Safety Petition: “Say Bye Bye Becquerels!”
Keep harmful radioactivity out of our children’s food. - Submit Your Comment to the FDA: Insist they lower the acceptable levels of radioactive contaminants allowable in our food supply.
- Write a Letter (sample here) to your Representative to demand FDA do their jobs to protect our families by monitoring our food supply.
- Join FFAN on Facebook to get up-to-date information. Radiation continues to emit from Japan’s Fukushima nuclear plans, affecting the global environment and food supply. Education and awareness are key.
- Donate $5 to FFAN Today! Help us continue this vital work.
Please share FFAN’s recipe with family and friends. Let’s give our children a chance for a healthy life.
Happy Thanksgiving! http://FFAN.us