A Good Night’s Sleep is Good for You

A Good Night’s Sleep and its Impact on Your Health

Many people with busy schedules sacrifice sleep to get more done in their day. Sleep and health, however, go hand in hand. When you’re getting enough sleep, your productivity and sense of well-being improve.

Sleep and Health

Ever pulled an all-nighter and felt out of it the next day? The impact that sleep can have on our health is evident even after just one night of poor sleep. The long-term health effects of good quality sleep, however, cannot be ignored. A pattern of healthy sleeping can lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and obesity. It can also lessen stress and anxiety while improving focus and memory.

Changing Sleep Needs

As we age, our sleep needs adapt with our changing bodies and minds. School-age children need 9-11 hours a night, while teens need around 8-10 hours. It’s crucial for children to get the recommended amount of sleep to aid in their development. During sleep, neurotransmitters are rebuilt, which improves the brain’s ability to communicate and learn.

In comparison, the average adult requires a little less construction work at night, and only needs 7-9 hours of sleep. During sleep, the adult body rebuilds in response to the activities of the previous day. Growth hormones are released during deep sleep which repair muscular damage and strengthen the body.

Seniors need the least amount of sleep, but not much less than adults: about 7-8 hours. Most older adults struggle to fall asleep because their bodies produce less of the sleep hormone, melatonin. This restorative sleep, however, helps prevent memory loss and improve overall heart and brain health.

How to Improve Sleep

While the benefits of sleep are undeniable, many people still struggle to get the rest that their bodies crave. Introducing some simple lifestyle changes, however, can make a huge difference in sleep quality.

1. Maintain a strict sleep schedule

It’s crucial to keep your body on a rhythm. Keeping a fairly regular sleep routine, even on the weekends, can train your body into recognizing bedtime, and responding accordingly.

2. Relax before bed

Practicing some mental self-care before bed can help you de-stress and sleep better. Journaling, reading, or trying bedtime yoga can all help your brain relax and get into the mindset of sleep.

3. Exercise regularly

Regular exercise can help decrease stress and anxious thoughts which could keep you up late into the night. It also tires your body out physically, leaving your muscles begging for restorative sleep.

4. Create a soothing bedroom environment

A bedroom environment that’s conducive to sleep can go a long way in preparing your mind and body for successful sleep. The perfect sleeping atmosphere is dark, cool, quiet, and comfortable. Make sure to keep the temperature between 60-68 degrees and use a supportive mattress to get the best night’s sleep possible.

It’s important to take sleep seriously for your overall physical and mental health. Make sure to follow these steps if you want to lead a healthier, happier lifestyle.

Post courtesy of Casper Mattresses

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