Homeopathy: This is NOT a Drill – Comment on the Guidance!

AS YOU LEarned from our email back in March, your voices were heard and the FDA granted another extension for comments on their proposed guidance for “Drug Products Labeled as Homeopathic.” The comment period was extended to May 23rd.
That means we have just a few days left before the Saturday deadline!
review the message below from our allies Americans for homeopathy choice. use the link or buttons to submit your comments today – a background document to support your comments can be downloaded here. (Please allow time for the “Take Action” page to load.)

Dear Homeopathy Supporter,

Homeopathy in the United States still REALLY needs your help. We still hope to achieve our goal of 100,000 comments submitted to the FDA website to tell the agency to change its proposed new rules on homeopathy (which the agency calls “guidance”). Now is the time to keep the pressure on, and the deadline is literally hours away!

If you have made a comment before, you’re welcome to submit another one. Modify the comment in the background document and write a few words about why homeopathy is important to you.

When submitting comments via this form, your concerns will be instantly submitted to the FDA, your legislators, and the White House. It is crucial that we get 100,000 comments on the FDA website before the May 23rd deadline to show the agency that there is widespread support for rules that preserve the full range of homeopathic medicines!

Here’s a summary of the most important talking points:

  1. The new Draft Guidance, if adopted, will allow the FDA to withdraw even properly manufactured and labeled homeopathic medicines from the marketplace. This is peculiar because these have never posed any sort of safety concern according to an initial review of public FDA records by Americans for Homeopathy Choice.
  2. It is clear that the FDA intends to use this authority and has even mentioned specific medicines such as Belladonna, Nux vomica and Lachesis muta in its public statements regarding enforcement.
  3. The authority for this kind of assault on homeopathy will result from the declaration by the FDA that all homeopathic medicines are “new drugs.” We all know that legally speaking, this is nonsense. Homeopathic medicines have been around for 200 years.
We must preserve and protect access to the full range of homeopathic medicines while safeguarding the quality and purity of the products containing them.

Deadline for comments is MaY 23rd!

Please note: The page for submitting comments is maintained by AFHC. Please direct any comments or questions about the page or how it is functioning to AFHC using their contact form, found here: https://homeopathychoice.org/contact/.

To submit comments directly to the FDA docket, or for instructions for sending written comments by traditional US mail, visit https://www.fda.gov/regulatory-information/search-fda-guidance-documents/drug-products-labeled-homeopathic-guidance-fda-staff-and-industry.

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