Broken Heart - For Blog Post I

17 Oct: Hysterectomy, Pt I

Hysterectomy Part I It has taken me a very long time to complete this project. I am very grateful for Jim Turner’s patience as he has demonstrated more patience than I knew a person could have. Thank you. – Debbie Braaten Introduction by Jim Turner Women get bad treatment from the medical system. Read “The healthcare system thinks helping women…

ivermectin fake news marionette controlled in TV

15 Sep: The Plot Against Ivermectin

How the media fully failed us in reporting the story of ivermectin, collectively labeling a Nobel Prize-winning, safe and FDA-approved human drug that’s been saving Covid patients as a toxic “horse dewormer” By Linda Bonvie When the Mississippi Department of Health released a “Health Alert Network” bulletin on August 20th stating that “70% of the recent calls (to its state poison…

ivermectin walgreens prescription

19 Aug: Ivermectin is Saving Lives from Covid

The tragedy is it’s not saving more by Linda bonvie The story of ivermectin could easily translate into a script for a sci-fi flick. The Good Guys (a group of top-rated physicians) discover a cure for a worldwide pandemic in a safe, cheap, old drug that’s been administered billions of times. Their attempts to save humanity, however, are thwarted by…

benzene in sunscreen

05 Aug: 2021 Sunscreen Recall: It’s NOT Okay to Have Benzene in Sunscreens

By Linda bonvie No sooner did a major sunscreen recall hit the news cycle than multiple experts chimed in saying that benzene (the cancer-causing chemical contaminant detected) is produced in many everyday activities – even something as benign as burning a candle. Canadian chemistry professor Joe Schwarcz, for instance, claimed that a “worst-case scenario” would only result in the same…


29 Jul: EMFs, Astronomy and Satellite Network Interference – The Balance Group

Growing evidence suggests that Electromagnetic Frequencies (EMFs), the frequencies that carry cell phone messages and other wireless data, play an important role in a number of health conditions such as heart disease, cancer and immune system disorders, and undermine the lives of animals, trees and other vegetation. We at Citizens for Health share the message below to alert you to…

IVERMECTIN in white bottle packaging with scattered pills. Isolated on blue background. Horizontal shot

24 May: Ivermectin: Why is the FDA Opposed to Using it to Treat COVID?

The drug ivermectin is safe, has been used billions of times and basically “obliterates transmission” of Covid-19. So why doesn’t the FDA want you to use it? Doctors and researchers rarely use the term “wonder drug,” but where ivermectin is concerned it’s rated right up there with penicillin in having had the greatest impact on the “well-being of Mankind.” And…

covid vaccine

09 May: I Mask +: Prevention & Early Outpatient Treatment Protocol for COVID-19

For those interested in preventive steps that may decrease the chance of becoming infected with COVID-19, please see the I Mask + protocols below, courtesy of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance. A note on vaccinations and side effects: One of the side effects observed after COVID-19 vaccinations has been thickening of the blood. This can lead to clots….

05 Apr: TAKE ACTION: Preserve Ability to Claim SIRVA as a Vaccine Injury!

The facts: During the last year of the Trump Administration, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) quietly attempted to remove SIRVA – shoulder injury related to vaccine administration – from the list of “table injuries” used by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). Since SIRVA accounts for over 60 percent of the vaccine injury claims that flow…