March for Labeling of Genetically Engineered Food 10/1/11 – 10/16/11

CONTACT: Adam Eidinger 202-744-2671

Right2Know March Announces Events During 313 Mile Walk to the White House for Labeling of Genetically Engineered Food

Coalition Demands a “Reset” by
Obama Administration on GMO Labeling


NEW YORK, NY – In two days a diverse coalition of organizations, businesses and individuals will begin to march from the Historic Flatbush Food Co-op in Brooklyn, NY to the gates of the White House to ask the Obama Administration to support labeling of genetically engineered foods, also termed “Genetically Modified Organisms” or “GMOs”. The GMO Right2Know March will feature daily events between New York and Washington, DC October 1-16 as hundreds of marchers are expected to walk part or all of the 313 miles to the White House. The route and details on daily events can be viewed at

“Pesticide companies develop Genetically Engineered food crops by combining DNA from plants, animals, bacteria and viruses, to contain or resist pesticide, which results in more pesticides sold and sprayed,” says Michael Hansen, Chief Scientist of Consumers Union. “Genetically engineered foods contain untested novel foreign compounds that can be detrimental to our health, just as they are to the environment and farmers’ livelihoods. American consumers deserve the choice whether they want to eat GMOs, just like their counterparts in Europe and Japan,” says Hansen who will join the Oct 1 NYC Right2Know March kick-off rally at Prospect Park at 11am to 1pm followed by marchers walking across the Brooklyn Bridge to the United Nations.

In addition to daily marching, the following are major events planned by the Right2Know March:
RALLY – 1-Oct R2K Kick Off Event,11am – 1pm Grand Army Plaza, Prospect Park, Brooklyn, NY
RALLY – 3 Oct, 10:45-11:45am Autumn Harvest Health Food 1625 East 2nd St, Scotch – Plains, NJ
MEET-UP – 3 Oct 4pm – 5pm George Street Coop Natural Foods 89 Morris St, New Brunswick, NJ
RALLY – 4 Oct, 2:15 -3:15pm Whole Earth Center 360 Nassau St, Princeton, NJ
MEET-UP – 5 Oct, 12:45 – 1:45pm Big Bear Natural Foods 322 West Trenton Ave #1, Morrisville, PA
NON-GMO FOAM RALLY – 6 Oct, 3:35 – 4:05pm Weavers Way Coop 559 Carpenter Lane, Philadelphia, PA
MEET-UP – 6 Oct, 7:05 – 8:05pm Mariposa Food Coop 4726 Baltimore Ave, Philadelphia, PA
RALLY – 7 Oct, 12 noon – midnight – The Ellen Powell Tiberino Memorial Museum, 3819 Hamilton St. Philadelphia, PA 19104
MEET-UP – 8 Oct, 11:45 – 12:45pm Martindale Natural Market 1172 Baltimore Pike, Springfield, PA
MEET-UP – 9 Oct, 10-2pm Newark Farmers Market, Market East Plaza, 280 E. Main Street, Newark, DE
RALLY – 13-Oct, 11am – 6pm – Maryland Institute College of Art, 1300 W. Mount Royal Ave, Baltimore, MD
WORLD FOOD DAY RALLY – 16 Oct Concluding Rally 12:30pm to 5pm at the White House in Lafayette Park 1600 H Street, NW Washington, DC Marchers estimated to arrive at 1pm. Event to feature Mom’s Panel and conclusion of the march

“The Right2Know March is an unprecedented effort to win genuine transparency on Genetically Engineered foods,” says Katherine DiMatteo of IFOAM and a lead coordinator of the Right2Know March. “Most Americans agree they have a right to know what is in the food they put in their own and their children’s bodies, but current federal policy favors the pesticide industry and hides the facts,” says DiMatteo. “It’s time to reset US policy on GMOs.”

Helping lead the march is Joseph Wilhelm, President of Rapunzel and Indian activist, Dr. Vanadana Shiva, both veteran GMO campaigners who twice marched across Europe for controls on GMOs and in support of GMO labeling, which is required in the EU. They will be joined at the events in NYC and Washington, DC as well as along the march, by advocates, media personalities, farmers and business leaders who will speak out for GMO labeling, including: Andrew Kimbrell (Founder, Center for Food Safety, Frances Moore Lapp? (Author, Diet for a Small Planet), Michael Hansen (Senior Scientist, Consumers Union), George Siemon (CEO, Organic Valley) and many others.

“No matter what you believe about GMOs, the bottom line is that we have a right to know what is in our food so we can all make better decisions for the health of our families,” says TV host and green lifestyle author Sara Snow.

Mothers are also marching and will speak out at the World Food Day Rally at the White House on October 16. “Without labeling, consumers have no way of knowing if the foods they are feeding their families have been genetically engineered to contain new proteins,” says Robyn O’Brien, author and founder of the Allergy Kids Foundation. “Because there is no definitive test that can be relied upon to predict whether a newly expressed protein might trigger an allergic reaction, it is important that genetically engineered foods are labeled so that the food allergic population can exercise caution and make an informed choice about what they eat. GMO labeling would provide essential and possibly life-saving information.”

Right2Know March spokespeople are available to debate GMO manufacturers on the labeling issue. “After 30 years and billions of dollars in research, only two principal GMO traits have been successfully developed: herbicide tolerance and insecticide production. Despite industry promises, there are no GMO traits currently on the market for increased yield, drought tolerance, enhanced nutrition, or any other humanitarian or environmental benefit,” says Megan Westgate, Executive Director of the Non-GMO Project, fiscal sponsor of the Right2Know March. “Americans should have the right to opt out of this experiment, and this march is about standing up and demanding that freedom.”

Founding organizations of the Right2Know march include the International Federation of Organic Agricultural Movements (IFOAM), the Non-GMO Project and the Sustainable Living Roadshow, who are joined by founding organic brands Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps and Rapunzel. In recent months, numerous titans of the organic and natural food sector have become sponsors of the Right2Know March including: Nature’s Path; Organic Valley; Stonyfield; United Natural Foods Incorporated (UNFI); Nutiva; Kamut International; and Dr. Hauschka Skin Care.

Members of the media are encouraged to follow the entire organizing effort and report on our progress. Please sign up for email alerts through our website or call Adam Eidinger 202-744-2671 to arrange interviews or for in person requests. Members of the public should call the Right2Know March Hotline: 202.557.5164 or email .


Additional sponsors and affiliates include: Weleda; Biodynamic Farming and Garden Association; Center for Food Safety; Food Democracy Now; Organic Trade Association; The Organic Center; Independent Natural Food Retailers Association; National Cooperative Grocers Association; Farm and Ranch Freedom Alliance; Northeast Organic Farming Association’s of New York, Vermont, and Connecticut; National Organic Coalition; Organic Farming research Foundation; Food and Water Watch; Pennsylvania Association for Sustainable Agriculture; Organic Consumers Association; Sustainable Food Trust; Truth in Labeling Coalition; Organic Seed Growers Association; Institute for Responsible Technology; and Cuatro Puertas.

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Comments (24)

I’m very glad to hear of this rally taking place in the US. So often what happens in America is adopted by us in the UK at a later stage. The whole GM issue needs to be brought to the forefront of every consumer world wide – playing with GM foods is akin to Russian Roulette. Good luck. You have much support from us across the pond.

Label the GMO’s!

Most Americans agree we have a right to know what is in the food they put in their own and their children’s bodies, but current federal policy favors the pesticide industry and hides the facts,” “It’s time to reset US policy on GMOs.”

Actually, the correct time for the march to arrive at Martindale’s Natural Market on October 8th is 10:45 as of today. Check the official website here:

I would have liked to know about this event earlier as I live in C.A. and two days is not suficient time to get myself there. Also have you thought about, or coordinated with the Ocupy Wall street sit in that is happening right now in N.Y.? These issues are related and in fact the same issue. The U.S. government putting the rights of corporations, and big bissiness before the rights of human beings, not only here in America but in the world at large.

Dear Rachel,
Thank you for your note!
I only found out about the March when I was talking with a very enlightened fellow from Dr. Bronner’s at Expo East in Baltimore last weekend….we will make every effort to provide much more notice in future……FYI, we will be doing a big push before Thanksgiving…( :
James (Gormley)

Citizens of the United States of America have a right to know what are the exact ingredients of the foods that they are able to buy for consumption.

Genetically engineered foods contain untested novel foreign compounds that can be detrimental to our health, just as they are to the environment and farmers’ livelihoods. American consumers deserve the choice whether they want to eat GMOs, just like their counterparts in Europe and Japan.

We don’t need GM Food!! Get rid of it before it comes back to bite us. Give me natural food, thank you!!!

Kathleen Kreiselmeyer

This is yet another underhanded plot that infringes upon the rights of the US citizens. It goes hand in hand with the Big Pharma lies. It seems that the very people, the FDA and the USDH&A are in the pockets of the folks with money. My children & grandchildren will pay for this travesty.

these companies need to disclose whether they are GMO’s or not

It is necessary to label GMO food for people like myself, who are prone to having food allergies.

I totally support what you are doing. Our labels need to say what is in the product. I believe we have the right to vote with our dollars whether we will purchase products that have GMO ingredients. I believe that GMO ingredients are placed in our food to make us not healthy and to control population. Government is in bed with big Agriculture and big Pharma and are not watching out for We The People. It is time we change all of that.

Plz label all food that is gmo
Americans have right TO KNOW!

Deborah Blood, RD, LDN, CDE

Please recognize that truth in labeling is essential to the health of our nation. Without it there will be no end to where the deception of such a chosen path will lead.

Americans have the right to know what is in their food, where it came from and who the producer(s) of it is. Please hear our voices as you consider the issue of GMOs, AND the CONSEQUENCES to the children of this country if GMOs, without longterm studies, and without recognized scientific proof are permitted in foods, and other feed items (cattle, etc included) are allowed.

Thank you.

Yes, we know, The Right to Farm reigns supreme. We also know that there are no rights to poison our air, soil and water.
To do so is the height of greed driven ignorance. Industrial farm chemicals accumulate in the ground water; streams; in the ocean; and in our bodies. Industrial farming chemicals accumulate in our soil; [killing good microbes and the soil]and healthy food crops will not grow…and the toxins accumulate in our bodies. Industrial farm chemicals accumulate in our ground water, streams, rivers and the ocean; killing all creatures dependant on life’s waters…including humans. Life is not expendable! Expeditious profits, in industrial farming, shall [expeditiously] kill all of life if we do not, ‘wake before we sleep’!

Truth-in-Labeling will enable consumers to drive so-called “Natural” GMO tainted foods off the market. Thank you for spreading the word!

Let’s keep our food supply safe. Do not mess with nature. Many people have bad reactions to chemicals plus food allergies, etc.
Don’t make it worse!

Thank you for your efforts. I strongly agree with you on this matter and pray your march will be successful and effective.

All consumers have a right to know which foods are genetically modified. I request that GMO foods are labeled so that we can make a choice.


It is hard to believe we still live in…the USA!
A coutry that now puts economic gain (CORPORATE GREED)
over the health of its own citizens (and individual choice of food stocks rather than being forced to buy our foods without actually knowing what those foods are composed of, are processed with, and what additional ingredients they might contain).


It is not clear how I can voice my complaints about this from my home computer without marching…Please advise.

Please realize how much money is being made by “PLANNED DISEASE”!!!! Let us NEVER stop speaking up and NOT let this HUGE GOVERNMENT run our lives. This is a prayer for our country.

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