Petition Demanding that the FDA Withdraws the NDI Draft Guidance!!

We call on Congress to demand that the FDA summarily withdraws the NDI Draft Guidance and goes on the record stating that the agency will not, now or ever, review, consider, surveil or engage in enforcement activities according to the re-interpretation of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) evident in its Guidance document but, instead, will honor the law that the American people gave to the FDA (via Congress) to uphold via regulation according to both the spirit, letter, and plain and intended meaning of DSHEA.

That’s why we created a petition to The United States House of Representatives, The United States Senate and President Barack Obama, which says:

“I hereby join with Citizens for Health (CFH) and its over 100,000 citizen supporters in calling on Congress to withhold funding appropriations for the FDA until the agency summarily withdraws its NDI Draft Guidance and goes on the record stating that the agency will not, now or ever, review, consider, surveil or engage in enforcement activities according to the re-interpretation of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) evident in the NDI Draft Guidance, but, instead, will honor the law that the American people gave to that agency to uphold via regulation according to both the spirit and letter of DSHEA.”

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Comments (16)

There have been way too many restrictions of right to have access to the necessary information to make informed choices.

There products have been in the marketplace for longer than 17 years. There are no deaths, no severe reactions.

It is time to protects the rights of the people to decide for themselves. Anything else is a travesty.

Dr. Robin Falkov

I hereby join with Citizens for Health (CFH) and its over 100,000 citizen supporters in calling on Congress to withhold funding appropriations for the FDA until the agency summarily withdraws its NDI Draft Guidance and goes on the record stating that the agency will not, now or ever, review, consider, surveil or engage in enforcement activities according to the re-interpretation of the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA) evident in the NDI Draft Guidance, but, instead, will honor the law that the American people gave to that agency to uphold via regulation according to both the spirit and letter of DSHEA.”

Leave ‘The People’ alone. The government has intruded far to much in our lives. Disband the FDA.

Stop the craziness.

Our own personal health should be our own decision, and the governmental regulators should not take our choices away with legislation. The government should inform us but not legislate away our personal health choices.


It is important that we return our FDA to one of integrity that is not longer run with an ulterior agenda namely Monsanto. And while we are at it we need to remove patents on seeds. The absurdity of this is really beyond comprehension.

I an sick of BIG Governments who bow down to the Multi-National companies like Monsanto and the large Drug Companies and do their bidding by introducing laws that effect the life style of the people just so the faceless men behind these companies can make more profits.

Dear All, especially Bruce, Cyndy and Dr. Falkov,
Right on!
Please get the word out to EVERYONE about this, as we only have 9 days!
Also, here is a video call-to-arms much re-mastered by a very talented Australian rapper and activist named Jody Lloyd (aka Trillion):
Thank you!

The FDA have effectively positioned itself as the puppet, and the hand(s) controlling the strings are increasingly becoming apparent. The FDA needs to be put under tight scrutiny and it’s many flaws and shortcomings should first be revealed, then structurally rebuilt from the ground up.

It’s interesting how Government takes such tremendous interest In regulating certain (lucrative) spheres while others, that truly need Government Intervention are brushed under the carpet.

Change will come when people unite….for the power is truly within the people, when our voices become one.

Once again the Government is going outside its intended lines set up by our founding Fathers. We all must stand and fight to get back what this out of control government has taken away, and continues to aroid our GOD given rights, to decide for our selfs.

we need supplements to stay well and prevent disease and the doctors have no idea how to administer them and I as a nutritionist have studied supplementation

you know who’s backing this!! Big Pharma, I’m sure.

This is again….ALL about $$$$$ for Big Pharma who is conveniently in collusion with the FDA. “Someone” is obviously being PAID to get this through….Durbin, most likely. There are SO many low life criminals in the U.S. government, who are PAID by the numerous corrupt entities(FDA, EPA, USDA, Big Agriculture) & lobbyists….including State Senators, representatives and mostly, Congress, that it is unconscionable! It is also about POWER & GREED, and it’s time for America to put an end once and for all to these dirt bags who want to “ENSLAVE” us further.

This is inhuman and unconstitutional. Here we are again Greatly, Power & control taking over with out reasoning and thinking to what is the best interest for the people.

This needs to stop. Let the people choose to what is best for them, the majority, and stop the control of just a few.


All sincere valuable comments. Thanks. The mostly invisible control matrix the CORPORATE US govt utilizes grants IT an insidious power over people which requires people to “fight” for the “right” to our most valuable property, our body. That positioning is why activist judges legislate, its why the white collar crooks practice immoral crony capitalism and its why govt did create a law proclaiming “only a drug can cure a disease” AND its why politicians are EXEMPT from the truth in advertising law. Use this grid to listen to political ads: ITS HALF TRUTHS OR OUT AND OUT LIES. What a joke all that is, but the fight continues.

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