Petition to Stop Nation’s #2 Producer of Dental Mercury


June 18, 2013

Dear Citizen for Health,

Back in April we and our allies at Consumers for Dental Choice reminded you that the FDA had failed to act on their self-imposed deadline of December 31, 2011 for announcing their plans to address mercury in dentistry. We urged you to take action to remind Jeff Shuren, Director of the Center for Devices and Radiological Health, of his agency’s promise.

Consumers for Dental Choice continues to lead the way on this important issue and has reached out to CFH to help spread the word about the nation’s #2 amalgam maker, Dentsply, and its failure to respond to a “wake-up call” provided last month by 23 organizations and religious orders from around the US, and the world. At a news conference in its headquarters city of York, Pennsylvania, these organizations presented a letter urging Dentsply to set a timetable for phasing out mercury amalgam.

Just as is the case with the FDA and its promise in 2011, Dentsply has failed to say one peep about the issue. That’s why CFH is asking its supporters to join with Consumers for Dental Choice and sign a petition to Dentsply CEO Bret Wise urging him to “stop making mercury dental fillings.”

Please sign the petition by clicking here. Forward this alert to your friends and family. If you work in dentistry, have your patients and colleagues sign it too. Share it on your websites, Facebook pages, and blogs. Remember: every single signature is important . . .  the more signatures, the more impact.

A message from Charles G. Brown, National Counsel for Consumers for Dental Choice:

Community members from York, Pennsylvania held a news conference on May 21. Pennsylvanians were, citing the Huffington Post, “shocked to learn that this company is still manufacturing dental amalgam, an outdated product comprised of 50% mercury, a known neurotoxin, and reproductive toxin.”

Dentstply shareholders released an open letter to Dentsply, regarding what they see as the company’s failure to adequately address the environmental health risks of the continued use of mercury, a neurotoxin, in its dental products.

Two dozen organizations – from Pennsylvania, across America coast-to-coast, and around the world – unveiled a letter of support urging Dentsply to stop amalgam production: “To protect our children from dental mercury pollution, dental amalgam production must be phased out.”

Now it’s your turn!

Dentsply can operate quietly in picturesque York PA…or it can manufacture mercury fillings. But it can no longer do both. Help us persuade Dentsply to stop churning out mercury fillings – fillings that add mercury to our bodies….pollute our environment…damage our teeth…and contaminate our dental offices. It’s time to demand action from a leading source of all these problems: Dentsply.

18 June 2013

Charles G. Brown
National Counsel, Consumers for Dental Choice
President, World Alliance for Mercury-Free Dentistry
316 F St. NE, Suite 210 Washington, DC 20002 USA
Phone: 202-544-6333     Fax: 202-544-63331

Sign the Petition

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No mercury should be allowed in our bodies.

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