By Citizens For Health
Family Health Health Freedom Integrative Wellness Women's Health
June 25, 2013
Citizens For Health / About Author
Related Posts
Proposition 37, GMO Labeling Mandate, Wins Support Of 100 Celebrity Chefs
From the Huffington Post Food Blog, 10/22/12 California’s GMO labeling ballot initiative Proposition 37 has already attracted lots of emphatic support and dissent from a host of voices, from Michael Pollan to Danny DeVito. But on Monday, a large contingent of people with a lot of credibility on food issues threw their weight behind the proposal: celebrity chefs. Read more…
22 Oct 2012
Read Your Labels Day – Get the “411” on What’s in your Food
April 11, 2013 Washington, D.C. – Citizens for Health has declared 4/11 National “Read Your Labels Day”. For one day (at least) we want you to investigate – and share – “the 411” on the importance of reading the labels on foods and beverages before you buy them. Observing the claims isn’t enough when a product can contain 10 times…
10 Apr 2013
Take Action on Dental Mercury
April 4, 2013 (UPDATE: Special thanks to Consumers for Dental Choice for their invaluable partnership on this issue over the years. We failed to properly acknowledge them when this was first posted). When will the FDA fulfill their responsibility for dental mercury? “We will by the end of the year, we will make an announcement.” Silver Spring, MD – So…
04 Apr 2013
‘Dump That Sugar’ Campaign: Good Intentions Gone Awry
Originally posted on by Linda Bonvie January 3, 2013 In mid-December 2012, to much fanfare, a dump truck poured 9.6 tons of white sand onto the parking lot of Howard County, Maryland’s Burleigh Manor Middle School as students shouted “Dump That Sugar!” The dumping display marked the official launch of Howard County Unsweetened, a multi-faceted, community-wide campaign to reduce…
03 Jan 2013

Who’s Afraid of Supplements? “Do You Believe in Paul Offit?”
by Alison Rose Levy The Medical Establishment’s “Favorite” Doctor and His Crusade Against Supplements and Alternative Medicine Paul Offit’s new book and media blitz pretend to be objective, but really offer one-sided bashing of natural healthcare. Dr. Paul Offit, chief of the Division of Infectious Diseases at? Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia? has authored a new book, Do You Believe in…
14 Oct 2013

COVID-19 Vaccine Talking Points from Weston A. Price Foundation
Please see below for an email alert from the Weston A. Price Foundation. Many of you have asked for information about the Covid-19 vaccines in order to educate your family and friends. We have compiled some key talking points below, and ask that you share them as widely as you can. If every recipient of this email could share it…
28 Dec 2020
The Transpartisan Review Blog Special Note #1
Terrence M. Cunningham, President of the International Association of Chiefs of Police and Chief of the Wellesley, MA police force offered and apology for historic mistreatment of minorities by police. To a standing ovation of 16,000 assembled police officials he decried the fact that police had become the ‘face of oppression for far too many of our fellow citizens’.
29 Oct 2016

2021 Sunscreen Recall: It’s NOT Okay to Have Benzene in Sunscreens
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05 Aug 2021
Transpartisan Review Blog #35
Twelve days ago Republican Arnold Schwarzenegger, former California governor, released a video attack on gerrymandering called ‘Why Congress Is Worse Than Herpes’. Since then the video, released on ATTN: (pronounced ‘attention’), has received 22,237,520 views. The people are interested.
01 Mar 2017

Vitamin C and an Interview with Dr. Andrew Saul, Premiere Authority on the Use of Vitamin C
Hello, Everyone, Dr. Andrew Saul – the premier authority on the use of Vitamin C, gives you the information you need as well as letting those in your sphere of influence know that Vitamin C is being used to fight COVID-19 in OTHER countries. Our government and media disseminate “false news and dis-information” when they declare we individuals can NOT…
01 Apr 2020
The Bonvie Blog: Flu Vaccination
The flu vaccination: a shot in the dark that misses by a mile By LINDA BONVIE By now the flu-shot propaganda machine is in full swing. The truth is we can’t go anywhere after summer folds its tent without being bombarded with a pitch to get one of these jabs. So, should you? Will that needle poke be the extra…
19 Dec 2018

The Latest in the Effort to Bash Supplements
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, October 30, 2015 Big Names; Big Mistakes Consumers Misled by Supplement Bashing by Gert Schuitemaker, PhD (1) and Bo Jonsson, MD, PhD (2) (OMNS, Oct 30, 2015) Big names: the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), arguably the most prestigious medical journal in the world. Plus, the New York Times. On October 14th,…
05 Nov 2015
Russia Suspends Imports of Genetically Engineered Corn in Wake of Rat Study; France Orders Probe of GMOs
Yes on Proposition 37, California Right to Know For Immediate Release: September 25, 2012? Contact: Stacy Malkan, 510-542-9224, Russia today suspended the import and use of Monsanto’s genetically engineered corn, following a study released last week that found serious health problems in rats fed this corn, according to the Wall Street Journal. Last week, the French government called for an investigation…
26 Sep 2012
Minnesota Lieutenant Governor Withdraws Support for “Corn Sugar Sham”
Washington, D.C. – CFH has learned that on May 5, Minnesota Lieutenant Governor Yvonne Prettner Solon sent a letter to the FDA expressing the state’s unwillingness to support this “corn sugar sham”.
09 Jun 2011
Transpartisan Review Blog #34
Google Ronald Reagan, Hubert Humphrey. You find Ronald Reagan’s 1948 endorsement of liberal Hubert Humphrey for Senator from Minnesota…We call this Transpartisan.
21 Feb 2017
I have a brain illness and there are supplements that I cannot go without for very long as it makes my mental health worse the longer I go without them. These supplements are Magnesium, flax seed oil, 5 htp, vitamin D and Calcium as well as melatonin. There are also many people in this country who cannot go without supplements or who would benefit greatly from taking them.
I’m SICK of all the “politics” that is killing the population globally!!!
This corruption must be stopped!
The pharmaceutical corporations are using the billions they have amassed to squeeze out ALL the supplements and natural medicines that actually heal us all. They are evil and must be stopped.