Protecting Your Individual Health Freedoms Radio Broadcast

Statue of Liberty

In this increasingly complex world of regulations, environmental contamination, and special interests vying for control of your medical privacy and access to complementary/alternative healthcare practices, fortunes are in play and your basic human right to health is being challenged. Advocates have described the wellness arena as follows, “Medicine is a science, healing is an art, and healthcare is a business”. Today, hosts Dr. Meg Jordan and Terry Moore will discuss exactly what’s at stake here in the United States, and how alarming regulatory trends around the world and special interests are jeopardizing your Constitutional rights and your ability to live a long and healthy life. Today’s guests will be James Turner, a renowned regulatory, environmental and product safety attorney who has appeared before every major consumer regulatory agency, including the Food and Drug Administration, Environmental Protection Agency, Consumer Product Safety Commission and Federal Trade Commission, as well as the Department of Agriculture and the National Institutes of Health. Jim will be joined by Michael McCormack, the President of Citizens For Health and an accomplished litigation attorney and counselor focusing on emerging health law matters, including regulation and advocacy.

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