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Vaccination: A Conversation Worth Having by Bill Maher
While America is still in the grips of swine flu mania, let me use this opportunity to clear up a few things about my beliefs concerning the flu shot, vaccines, and health in general. I do this because there is obviously a lot of curiosity about this subject of vaccines — it comes up in every interview I do these…
16 Nov 2009
Swine Flu Response: Alarmist or Legit?
By Frank Jordans via GENEVA – A group of outside experts will scrutinize the World Health Organization’s response to the swine flu outbreak and likely examine whether the term pandemic was appropriate for what has turned out to be a relatively mild disease, the World Health Organization said Monday. The review starting later this month will be conducted by…
29 Mar 2010
Reasons Not To Get Swine Flu Vaccine – Brilliant
Jean-Jacques Crèvecoeur Montréal (Québec – Canada) Ce 13 octobre 2009 Why am I categorically refusing the vaccine against influenza H1N1? This list of reasons are only my own view. They’re the conclusions I have arrived at after several months of thoroughly studying the scientific documents, official publications and declarations of medical authorities. I’m giving you links to Internet sites so…
18 Oct 2009
Lawsuit Seeks to Halt US Swine Flu Vaccination Campaign
WASHINGTON (AFP) — New York medical workers took legal action Thursday to halt a massive swine flu inoculation program being rolled out across the United States, claiming the vaccines have not been properly tested. Lawyers for the group filed a temporary restraining order in a Washington federal court against government medical regulators they claim rushed H1N1 vaccines to the public…
16 Oct 2009
Glaxo’s Swine Flu Shot May Give Kids Fever
LONDON (AP) — The European Medicines Agency warns that young children given GlaxoSmithKline’s swine flu shot may get a fever after their second dose. In a statement issued Friday, the European drug regulator said data from GlaxoSmithKline PLC showed a higher number of children aged six months to 3 years had a fever after their second dose of the Pandemrix…
04 Dec 2009
The FDA’s Peramivir H1N1 Swine Flu Experiment
By Byron Richards, CCN Monday, October 26, 2009 The FDA has now opened the door for widespread human experimentation during this year’s flu season, allowing an antiviral drug called Peramivir to be used even though it has not passed traditional standards of safety testing. Ever since the FDA crafted its Critical Path agenda it has been looking for excuses to…
28 Oct 2009
A Little Kooky But Worth Watching
Check out this interview with the former Chief Medical Officer of Finland.
02 Nov 2009
Vaccine Primer
Physicians and health professionals are now speaking out clearly of the risks and dangers of vaccination. We have tip toed around the American Medical model long enough. Vaccines come with a great risk including juvenile diabetes, asthma, ADD, ADHD, and Autism. And never mind the more subtle injury of teenagers who can’t focus and are depressed.
01 Nov 2009
Why the USDA Has No Business Overseeing Conditions on Factory Farms
by Tom Philpott via Why isn’t the federal government seriously investigating the possible CAFO-swine flu link? I’ve posed that question several times recently, most recently here. Now let me venture an answer. The USDA is the federal agency tasked with ensuring that practices on farms, including factory animal farms, are safe. But it’s also the agency that exists to…
18 Nov 2009
Swine Flu Far Less Severe In Latest Calculations
By Steve Sternberg, USA TODAY A team of researchers from the USA and Britain on Monday dramatically scaled back estimates of the severity of the swine flu epidemic. The analysis suggests that the death rate from the current wave of H1N1 flu cases probably will fall in a range that extends from far lower to slightly higher than the estimate…
08 Dec 2009
Don’t Inject Me (the Swine Flu Vaccine Song) by the Health Ranger
Music video of the song: Don’t Inject Me (the Swine Flu Vaccine Song) by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, editor of This song was written in protest of the widespread swine flu vaccinations now being pushed around the world.
25 Aug 2009
Preventing The Swine Flu: A Comprehensive Approach
Sneezing, coughing, fever, aches and pains… Worried about flu symptoms like these? As winter approaches, most of us are. But this year, the flu seems even more alarming, thanks to increased health concerns about the H1N1 influenza strain, also known as the swine flu. Even though this strain doesn’t appear to be particularly threatening, it has the potential to mutate…
25 Nov 2009
Ron Paul on 1976 Swine Flu Propaganda & Great Archive Videos
This is pretty amazing! Check it out.
16 Oct 2009
$1000 Per Day Fine And 30 Days In Jail For Refusing The Swine Flu Vaccine In Massachusetts?
A new law just passed in Massachusetts imposes fines of up to $1000 per day and up to a 30 day jail sentence for not obeying authorities during a public health emergency. So if you are instructed to take the swine flu vaccine in Massachusetts and you refuse, you could be facing fines that will bankrupt you and a prison…
25 Aug 2009
Australia’s Swine-Flu Plan In Disarray As Insurance Companies Balk
The Australian Government’s plan to immunize the population against swine flu is in chaos because insurers may not cover doctors who administer the jab. Inadequate testing and the possibility of spreading other infections means there is too high a risk patients will sue, say the insurers. Despite weeks of crisis talks, the government has refused to underwrite doctors’ liability for…
04 Sep 2009