
fake foods

18 Nov: The Bonvie Blog: The FDA’s plan to ‘ban’ a dangerous fat appears to open the door for yet another one

If you’ve been following the saga of trans fats – the artery-clogging substances created by partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs), which were once a staple in cookies, crackers, pastries and shortenings – you no doubt know that several years ago the FDA finally got around to developing a slow-motion plan to remove them from the food supply. But despite the fact…

17 Oct: The Bonvie Blog: FDA Bans Carcinogenic Additives

FDA bans seven cancer-causing food additives. How many more are out there? After a 30-year hiatus the Delaney Clause makes a return appearance By LINDA BONVIE Late last week the FDA announced the ban of seven food additives known to cause cancer. These consist of a group of tongue-twisting chemicals such as synthetically derived benzophenone, eugenyl methyl ether and one…

10 Apr: The Bonvie Blog: Read Your Labels Day 2018

‘Read Your Labels Day’ – Now More Important Than Ever! By LINDA BONVIE and BILL BONVIE What makes this April 11, Citizens for Health’s sixth annual Read Your Labels Day, perhaps the most important one yet? Two developments, actually. One is a USDA decision to override the National Organics Standards Board’s (NOSB) vote (taken well over a year ago) to…

30 Oct: The Bonvie Blog: Dangers Lurk After Halloween

October 31, 2017 Now that Halloween is here again (it always sneaks up on you), we hope you’ve heeded our earlier advice and found treats that are free of the various “badditives” that are still being allowed in so many products. But those scary ingredients, such as high fructose corn syrup, artificial colors, aspartame and even the partially hydrogenated oil…

29 Oct: The Bonvie Blog: Tricks or Treats? Halloween Creeps Nearer…

October 18, 2017 New Jersey – Halloween is coming. And the scariest stuff is as close as your fridge or pantry. It’s that time of year again when, unless you live in an isolated cabin in the woods (or possibly more so if you do), stocking up on “treats” is practically obligatory. Now, maybe you’re not in the habit of…

04 Apr: Badditives!

In Badditives! The 13 Most Harmful Food Additives in Your Diet and How to Avoid Them, Linda and Bill Bonvie, who for several years wrote the Citizens for Health “Food Identity Theft” blog, identified a rogues’ gallery of the “worst of the worst” ingredients out there. We were fortunate to be able to bring you selections below from this important…

19 Jan: Additives? BADditives!

Additives in today’s foods are more prevalent than ever. Preservatives, GMOs, foods declared safe for consumption despite never being tested – how does one sort it all out?


11 Jul: Read Your Labels: Are Recent Nutritional Snapshots Helping – or Confusing?

Yet Another Company Jumps Into the Business of Helping Consumers Make “Healthy” Food Choices Courtesy of Linda Bonvie FoodIdentityTheft Blogger and CFH Contributor July 11, 2013 “Everybody wants to get into the act,” a catchphrase made famous back in the day by show business legend Jimmy Durante, seems to have found a new meaning.  Apparently, everybody now wants to get…