

28 Apr: Just the (Vaxx) Facts Ma’am! Get the Truth About Vaccine Choice in an All-Day Internet Radio Marathon

Greetings Health Freedom Champions! Our friends and allies at the Natural Solutions Foundation have asked us to spread the word about a day-long event dedicated to the truth about vaccine choice and to giving you the tools and information you need to make informed decisions about maintaining the health and wellness of you and your family. On May 1, 2015…

03 Feb: The Censorship of Autism Treatment

by Kim Stagliano, Author “All I Can Handle. I’m No Mother Teresa.” via Last Thursday afternoon, The General Medical Council in London, England announced its decisions in the disciplinary hearing of Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Professor Simon Murch and Professor John Walker-Smith. The ruling was not in their favor. There will likely be other posts here at HuffPost explaining the…

23 Nov: Mom: Marijuana Saved My Autistic Son’s Life

Kids may seem an unlikely group to include in the medical marijuana debate, but some children with autism are reaping life-changing benefits from the drug. Mieko Hester-Perez, a mother in California, told the Early Show’s Hattie Kauffman that marijuana saved her son’s life. Hester-Perez’s 10-year-old son, Joey, was uninterested in food and weighed a startling 48 pounds. “Everyone that came…

05 Oct: Autism Rates: Government Studies Find 1 in 100 Children Has Autism Disorders

original link: via CHICAGO — Two new government studies indicate about 1 in 100 children have autism disorders – higher than a previous U.S. estimate of 1 in 150. Greater awareness, broader definitions and spotting autism in younger children may explain some of the increase, federal health officials said. “The concern here is that buried in these numbers is…

17 Sep: Mercury On The Mind Report

original link: By Carter M. Throckmorton In an escalating chorus of evidence from around the globe, emerging scientific research is providing direct links between amalgam dental fillings and childhood vaccinations and toxic mercury exposure. Various serious immune system and mental disorders such as Alzheimer’s, ADD/ADHD, depression, fibromyalgia, headaches, insomnia and Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction Syndrome/Epstein-Barr Virus, are now believed…

09 Sep: Vaccines And Autism: What Can Parents Do During This Controversy?

original link: By Dr. Bob Sears, author of The Vaccine Book The debate over vaccine safety rages on, with no clear end in sight. On the one side is a medical establishment made up of hundreds of thousands of doctors, researchers, infectious disease specialists, vaccine manufacturers, the FDA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and our government, who…