bill bonvie

fake foods

18 Nov: The Bonvie Blog: The FDA’s plan to ‘ban’ a dangerous fat appears to open the door for yet another one

If you’ve been following the saga of trans fats – the artery-clogging substances created by partially hydrogenated oils (PHOs), which were once a staple in cookies, crackers, pastries and shortenings – you no doubt know that several years ago the FDA finally got around to developing a slow-motion plan to remove them from the food supply. But despite the fact…

07 Oct: The Bonvie Blog: Partially Hydrogenated Oils

Partially Hydrogenated Oils Are Now Banned, Right? Well, Yes — Only Not Quite By LINDA and BILL BONVIE They’re supposed to be history by now. We’re talking about the particularly dangerous class of food additives known as partially hydrogenated oils, or PHOs, which are the result of solidifying a vegetable oil by infusing it with hydrogen gas. Long used to…

29 Aug: The Bonvie Blog: HFCS

New Study Finds that Fructose Fuels Cancer Cells By LINDA and BILL BONVIE Canadian Sol Orwell may not be any relation to the late British author George Orwell, but some of the statements made on the website he co-founded seven years ago, – an endeavor which he says is intended to rebut “outlandish claims” on topics like health, nutrition…

28 Jun: The Bonvie Blog: Vanishing Act

‘Disappearance’ of GMOs, Monsanto, Should Be No Cause for Complacency By LINDA and BILL BONVIE You might think of it as a kind of double disappearing act – a pair of closely related evil entities now on the verge of vanishing before our very eyes. We’re talking about the man-made mutations commonly known as genetically modified organisms, or GMOs (often…

16 May: The Bonvie Blog: A Toxic Topic’s Return

A Lesson from the Past Reminds Us How the Facts Are What Really Matter By LINDA and BILL BONVIE It was a bit like a case of déjà vu, only with a new dimension. That was our reaction upon hearing the news that a Terminix employee had been indicted for illegally applying the highly toxic fumigation gas methyl bromide inside…

10 Apr: The Bonvie Blog: Read Your Labels Day 2018

‘Read Your Labels Day’ – Now More Important Than Ever! By LINDA BONVIE and BILL BONVIE What makes this April 11, Citizens for Health’s sixth annual Read Your Labels Day, perhaps the most important one yet? Two developments, actually. One is a USDA decision to override the National Organics Standards Board’s (NOSB) vote (taken well over a year ago) to…

07 Apr: The Bonvie Blog: Read Your Labels Day Is Coming

Read Your Labels Day Six years ago, Citizens for Health designated April 11 as “Read Your Labels Day,” #RYLD, an event to shine a spotlight on the importance of reading the most vital part of a food package – not the “Nutrition Facts” label, not the advertising copy on the front, not the pretty pictures of fruits or veggies —…

28 Mar: The Bonvie Blog: Alzheimer’s

Is a New Drug Strategy Really What We Need to Prevent Alzheimer’s?  By LINDA BONVIE and BILL BONVIE So what’s up with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA)? An agency that has been derelict in its duties of protecting the public for quite some time now appears to have gone completely off the rails (as have other regulatory entities) since…

11 Dec: The Bonvie Blog: Kratom

The good news is that there may well be a relatively simple way for many individuals now caught up in the ongoing nationwide opioid crisis to pull themselves out of it. And that’s no small thing, considering that that this man-made catastrophe has killed an estimated 20,000 Americans from overdoses in 2016 alone. The bad news is that the federal government is trying its best to make such apparent salvation illegal.