UPDATE: Watch Senator Blumenthal’s press conference on the dangers of 5G: View it here. As the Senator notes, despite the FCC’s assurances that 5G is “safe,” “We need evidence.” And classified evidence is NOT enough. CFH and NISLAPP believe the available scientific evidence: The impact will be harmful. “We do not know it is safe” is very different than “It…
Camilla Rees
Learn About: The Emerging Public Health Issue From Cell Phones and Wireless Technologies. The trillion dollar wireless communications industry has grown to dominate our lives over the past decades yet little concern has been paid by U.S. public health officials to the long term health risks from continually bathing ourselves, and our children, in electromagnetic fields. Warnings From Around the…
Washington, D.C. – Citizen-activists are being urged by Citizens for Health, the American Academy of Environmental Medicine, and the EMF advocacy group, ElectromagneticHealth.org, to contact their representatives in Congress to request the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to update its obsolete cell tower safety regulations. The FCC’s cell tower safety regulations need to be revised immediately because: 1) WHO has classified…
“50+ EMF Safety Tips & Insights” is an overview of cell phone and wireless technology hazards prepared for the convenience of media, physicians, health practitioners, parents, schools, and patients with chronic or unexplained illnesses by leading health and environmental activist, Camilla Rees, MBA. Read this foundational education and share!
By Camilla Rees via www.ElectromagneticHealth.org The President’s Cancer Panel reported on Thursday, May 6, 2010 that “the true burden of environmentally induced cancers has been grossly underestimated” and named cell phones and other wireless technologies as potential causes of cancer that demand further research and precaution. In its recommendations to the President, the panel stated “Methods for long-term monitoring and…
Washington, DC, September 4, 2009 On August 25, 2009 the International EMF [Electro Magnetic Field] Collaborative released Cellphones and Brain Tumors: 15 Reasons for Concern. This report underscores the risk of tumors from cellphone use, especially for children. Endorsed by a wide range of scientists from around the world, the report makes three findings based on a review of existing…
By Camilla Rees, via www.mercola.com Just prior to the recent Senate hearings on cell phone safety, Chaired by Senator Tom Harkin, the Environmental Working Group (EWG) released a new database for consumers ranking over 1,000 cell phones by the Specific Absorption Rate, known as the SAR value. The SAR value is a measure of the power of the cell phone…
Thanks to Camilla Rees at www.electromagnetichealth.org for the news tip. August 18, 2009 via www.microwavenews.com Senator Arlen Specter (D-PA) will hold a hearing on cell phones and health on September 14. So says Devra Davis, an activist scientist at the University of Pittsburgh. If Specter follows through, it would be the centerpiece of a conference she is organizing that week…