Last week, Citizens for Health (CFH) and the National Health Federation (NHF) jointly filed an Amici Curiae brief in United States v. Xlear, a pending Federal Trade Commission (FTC) enforcement action in the United States District Court for the Central Division of Utah. The amici brief filing, also called a Friends-of-the-Court brief, supports a motion by Xlear, Inc. (the corporate…
Court decision awaited in legal challenge to FDA, NIH over suppression of ivermectin By Linda Bonvie On November 1st a hearing was held in a Galveston courtroom concerning the future of one of the most significant, yet outrageously underreported lawsuits in the era of Covid. At stake is the ability of doctors to practice medicine without interference from the FDA,…
Journal sidelines ‘critical voices’ on covid shot risks, while Biden administration finds First Amendment work-around to muzzle ‘misinformation’ By Linda Bonvie Just what is “misinformation?” It’s a popular term these days bandied about by reporters, aging musicians and anyone who wants to get into a social-media argument. But finally, a definition has been found! It was discovered in a…
By Linda Bonvie Despite the rush to vaccinate every single person in the U.S. of age five and older with one of the Covid-19 shots, little effort has been made to revamp what a vaccine litigation expert calls a “terrible program” established in 2005 that provides sweeping liability protection from pandemic vaccine and treatment injuries. Dubbed the Countermeasures Injury Compensation…
How the media fully failed us in reporting the story of ivermectin, collectively labeling a Nobel Prize-winning, safe and FDA-approved human drug that’s been saving Covid patients as a toxic “horse dewormer” By Linda Bonvie When the Mississippi Department of Health released a “Health Alert Network” bulletin on August 20th stating that “70% of the recent calls (to its state poison…
The tragedy is it’s not saving more by Linda bonvie The story of ivermectin could easily translate into a script for a sci-fi flick. The Good Guys (a group of top-rated physicians) discover a cure for a worldwide pandemic in a safe, cheap, old drug that’s been administered billions of times. Their attempts to save humanity, however, are thwarted by…
The drug ivermectin is safe, has been used billions of times and basically “obliterates transmission” of Covid-19. So why doesn’t the FDA want you to use it? Doctors and researchers rarely use the term “wonder drug,” but where ivermectin is concerned it’s rated right up there with penicillin in having had the greatest impact on the “well-being of Mankind.” And…
For those interested in preventive steps that may decrease the chance of becoming infected with COVID-19, please see the I Mask + protocols below, courtesy of the Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance. A note on vaccinations and side effects: One of the side effects observed after COVID-19 vaccinations has been thickening of the blood. This can lead to clots….
With the laser focus these days on getting a Covid-19 shot, including many stories of heroic efforts to achieve that goal (such as a 90-year-old great-grandmother who walked six miles through the snow to keep her appointment), not much is being said about the potential of being injured from the vaccine itself. And especially not mentioned is one of the…
Citizens for Health supports the right of every individual to choose to take or to not take any vaccine, including the right to conscientious objection, as a part of any properly adopted legal vaccine mandate. We are bringing to you the following two views on the value of receiving one of the approved COVID-19 vaccines so that you may make…