dietician lobby

05 Dec: Victory Is At Hand! Bill Passes, Awaits Illinois Governor’s Signature!

By James J. Gormley The Illinois’ nutrition community bill (SB 2936) we told you about over the last week has passed the Illinois House of Representatives by a vote of 102 to 7, with two abstentions. Translation: The bill has passed and now awaits Illinois Governor Pat Quinn’s signature! In an exception to the normal legislative procedures, a second and…

28 Nov: Dieticians and Efforts to Monopolize Nutrition

By James J. Gormley There are many healthcare professionals who provide dietary advice.  One subset is “Registered Dietitians” or RDs, a private credential offered by the private trade association, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (AND), formerly known as the American Dietetic Association, or ADA. RDs typically provide government-sanctioned dietary advice, such as the USDA dietary guidelines.  There is a…