Open your mind to new possibilities and maybe change the way you approach health treatments – both natural and conventional. That’s the main request of Benton Bramwell, ND and Ridgecrest Herbals’ CEO, W. Matthew Warnock, JD in their new book, Rethinking Medicine: Harmonizing Science and Herbal Tradition. From the Beginning The book begins with personal stories of the authors’ winding…
Health Care Policy
On Monday, July 15, 2024, our partners at Fukushima Fallout Awareness Network, will assemble a panel of experts, including Citizens for Health’s President and Senior Policy Advisor, James Gormely to brief Congress about the ongoing problem of radioactive contamination of our food and water and what steps our legislators can take to mitigate contamination. Join us for an online briefing…
Looking back at the Vitamin Volstead Act, DSHEA, Codex, the AER Bill, and MPLs By James J. Gormley, Gormley NPI Consulting, CFH President and Senior Policy Advisor This post first appeared on Nutraceuticals World, reposted with permission Retailers, consumers, and natural products industry stakeholders have a history of generally—although not exclusively—uniting for what they considered the common good against regulation…
The facts: During the last year of the Trump Administration, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) quietly attempted to remove SIRVA – shoulder injury related to vaccine administration – from the list of “table injuries” used by the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). Since SIRVA accounts for over 60 percent of the vaccine injury claims that flow…
For more posts about COVID-19, visit our coronavirus page.
Hello, Everyone! In this post: Dr. Mark Sircus, AC, OMD, DM (P) – Natural Allopath Medicines (nutrients) recommended by Dr. Sircus to have and use at home Dr. Sircus: dosages and treatments for Coronavirus infections Nutrient home delivery methods Considerations when using nutrients as medicine Supplement recommendations Dr. Sircus protocol: treatments and products (includes cancer, the ultimate immune challenge) Three…
It is critical to remain vigilant in order to rebuff efforts to curtail our health freedom. While threats to this freedom are nothing new, we alerted you in June to a very specific threat to homeopathy. The FDA is seeking the authority to ban all homeopathic remedies which are already accepted into the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States. CFH…
Integrative Health & Wellness Caucus Focuses on Putting Health Back in Healthcare Bipartisan Effort Cites Prevention and Integrative Health Solutions to Combat Opioid Crisis WASHINGTON, D.C., March 21, 2018 – Reps. Mike Coffman, R-CO and Jared Polis, D-CO, welcomed members of Congress, their staff and healthcare stakeholders to an inaugural meeting of the new Integrative Health and Wellness Caucus to…
Transpartisan Health Within Reach? by A. Lawrence Chickering and James S. Turner Through the smoldering ruins of the most recent healthcare financing reform effort we see the faint outlines of a transpartisan approach to health care. Former President Barack Obama issued a statement on the 7th anniversary of passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), one day before current Congressional…
Although this is coveted as a wonderful bill that is needed in the US so that drugs and medical devices can be fast tracked, if you read the nearly 1000 pages it is clear this is dangerous bill that is has the best interests of the Pharmaceutical industry at heart, NOT its consumers.