It is with great sadness that Citizens for Health announces the death of James J. Gormley, our President and Senior Policy Advisor, and principal of Gormley NPI Consulting. He was a talented and articulate voice for natural health options; a leader, a father, and a mentor and friend to many. He died unexpectedly on August 14, 2024 in Delray Beach,…
health freedom
Some of the most powerful forms of control are the ones we don’t see. Using complex algorithms and AI, private tech giants like Alphabet that own Google and YouTube wield unseen power, filtering what we see and don’t see. This restriction of free speech, as seen in YouTube’s new medical misinformation policy, hinders critical thought and prevents diverse perspectives around…
Notices are seen as a maneuver after the Supreme Court ruled FTC can no longer use Section 13(b) of the FTC Act to collect fines from first-time offenders By James J. Gormley, Gormley NPI Consulting, CFH President and Senior Policy Advisor This post first appeared on Nutraceuticals World, reposted with permission In April, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) put nearly…
Looking back at the Vitamin Volstead Act, DSHEA, Codex, the AER Bill, and MPLs By James J. Gormley, Gormley NPI Consulting, CFH President and Senior Policy Advisor This post first appeared on Nutraceuticals World, reposted with permission Retailers, consumers, and natural products industry stakeholders have a history of generally—although not exclusively—uniting for what they considered the common good against regulation…
And 70% of Americans are more likely to support a Congressional candidate who will protect dietary supplements and homeopathy Citizens for Health, along with several other prominent health-choice organizations, cosponsored a survey conducted by the Marist Poll*, which found, among other things, the following: 75% of Americans use “vitamins, minerals, or other dietary supplements or natural or homeopathic remedies” 70%…
IN MEMORY OF JAMES S. TURNER 1940 — 2022 James S. Turner, an attorney and consumer advocate who was an original “Nader’s Raider,” passed away suddenly at his Washington, D.C. home on January 25. He was 81. While working with Ralph Nader, Mr. Turner wrote the 1970 book, The Chemical Feast: Ralph Nader’s Study Group Report on the Food and Drug Administration. Time Magazine commented at…
Cfh president/ceo jim turner speaks at 8PM EDT FridAY, OCTOBER 23, 2020 For Tickets: HTTPS://TURNINGPOINT2020.ONLINE/INDEX.HTML
Hello, Everyone! In this post: Dr. Mark Sircus, AC, OMD, DM (P) – Natural Allopath Medicines (nutrients) recommended by Dr. Sircus to have and use at home Dr. Sircus: dosages and treatments for Coronavirus infections Nutrient home delivery methods Considerations when using nutrients as medicine Supplement recommendations Dr. Sircus protocol: treatments and products (includes cancer, the ultimate immune challenge) Three…
The flu vaccination: a shot in the dark that misses by a mile By LINDA BONVIE By now the flu-shot propaganda machine is in full swing. The truth is we can’t go anywhere after summer folds its tent without being bombarded with a pitch to get one of these jabs. So, should you? Will that needle poke be the extra…
It is critical to remain vigilant in order to rebuff efforts to curtail our health freedom. While threats to this freedom are nothing new, we alerted you in June to a very specific threat to homeopathy. The FDA is seeking the authority to ban all homeopathic remedies which are already accepted into the Homeopathic Pharmacopeia of the United States. CFH…