
Rethinking Medicine-small

03 Dec: Book Summary: Rethinking What You Know About Medicine

Open your mind to new possibilities and maybe change the way you approach health treatments – both natural and conventional. That’s the main request of Benton Bramwell, ND and Ridgecrest Herbals’ CEO, W. Matthew Warnock, JD in their new book, Rethinking Medicine: Harmonizing Science and Herbal Tradition. From the Beginning The book begins with personal stories of the authors’ winding…

28 Dec: In Memoriam: Jim Duke

Citizens for Health regrets the loss of a dear friend and champion of the health freedom movement, Jim Duke. A renaissance man in the truest sense of the word, and as frequent collaborator Steven Foster notes, “His impact and inspiration for the last three generations of all aspects of the herbal community cannot be overstated.” He worked for the USDA’s…