17 Oct: Volunteer: Your Right To Know and Labeling of GMOs

October 17, 2012 On November 6, Californians will vote on Proposition 37, which will require all genetically modified foods to be clearly labeled. This is an historic campaign – it will mean that for the first time in the United States, consumers will have the right to know what’s in the food they eat and feed to their families. Nearly…

31 May: In A Victory For Consumers, FDA Turns Thumbs Down On “Corn Sugar” Alias For HFCS

Thanks to Linda Bonvie, blogger for the Citizens for Health project Food Identity Theft, for the following post. For the past several months, we here at Food Identity Theft have urged our readers to submit their comments to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration on the Corn Refiners Association’s petition to allow the name “high fructose corn syrup” to be…

24 Oct: Federal Judge Rules Against Corn Processors

Contact: Gene Grabowski (202) 270-6560 Email: ggrabowski@levick.com  Consumer Deception at Issue in False Advertising Case LOS ANGELES — (October 22, 2011) – A federal judge has ruled that the case brought by American sugar farmers against big corn processors to stop their false advertising about high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) must go forward. According to U.S. District Judge Consuelo B….

14 Oct: Millions of American Consumers are Food Identity Theft Victims

 Food Packaging Deceptions Threaten National Food Integrity   FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Primary Media Contact: Kevin Sanchez                                                           Hollenbeck Associates                                               (415) 227-1150 ext. 10                                                    kevin@hollenbeckassociates.com   WASHINGTON, DC – Even as more American families are trying to make healthier diet choices, many duplicitous food makers are contributing to the spread of Food Identity Theft.  Despite government safeguards and restrictions, dozens of…

27 Sep: Citizens for Health Launches New Website!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Primary Media Contact: Kevin Sanchez Hollenbeck Associates (415) 227-1150 ext. 10 kevin@hollenbeckassociates.com FoodIdentityTheft.com Alerts Consumers to Deceptive Product Packaging WASHINGTON, DC – As the nation’s food integrity is under attack by profit-hungry corporations, and consumers are being targeted by deceptive packaging practices, Citizens for Health, has launched a new website, FoodIdentityTheft.com, to alert and inform Americans about…

19 Sep: Associated Press Story: FDA Skeptical of Corn Sugar Sham

September 19, 2011 In a story posted on September 15, the Associated Press reports that in response to the Corn Refiners Association’s original request to use the term “corn syrup,” Michael Taylor, the FDA’s deputy commissioner for foods, told colleagues he was uncomfortable with changing the name and suggested that allowing it would deprive consumers of important information and invite…