Toxic Chemical Lobby: Exclusive Leaked Footage

Please take 2 minutes to watch this wacky new video about the toxic chemical reform process! It’s humorous but its script is ripped straight from the headlines.

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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by silmisa. silmisa said: Toxic Chemical Lobby: Exclusive Leaked Footage « Citizens For Health: Toxic Chemical Lobby: Exclusive Leaked Foota… […]

fluoridated water should have been included also

If you live in the Denver, Colorado area or are planning a trip there in early August, plan to attend the BIG event planned for August 6,7. It’s called, “Fatal Attraction:Your Personal Care Products are Killing You!” For more information, contact and request a flyer be sent to your email box. Cut and Paste and then view

We must get toxic chemicals out of our lives and off Mother Earth forever.

Stop working for the chemical lobby and start working for your constituents. You know, the ones who voted for you and got you your job.

This is so important. We must prevail if we want any health choices at all before the AMA also known as the American Murder Associaion completely takes over.
Peace and Joy!

This all reminds me of the Incredible Shrinking Woman. Why didn’t that wake our members of congress up? It’s sad that we have to do our own research to determine what is the most harmful when the chemical industry knows and won’t share the truth with us. Can our senators require them to more truthfully label their products’ hazards so we will know?

[…] Chemicals: Guilty Until Proven Innocent July 12, 2010 at 5:04 am | Posted in Uncategorized | Leave a Comment Tags: chemicals, health, pesticides, precautionary principle […]

It is time that the government represent the will of the people rather than industry. Our safety should be foremost in our legislation. I am a health care professional and my clients are appalled at the dangerous environmental chemicals we are exposed to every day. Preventative healthcare starts with fewer environmental chemicals.

To those who propose to Represent the American People (every citizen):

Now is the time to stop the double talk & protect our environment & people from those who harm it directly & indirectly with toxic chemicals, GMOS,BHP, Seed hoarding, overregulation of small business & Citizens. We need to live up to our natural laws & God given rights. The Commerce clause needs to be regulated by the Bill of Rights options. The sooner we start to do what is right & lawful the better off we will be as citizens & as a nation.

I do not want to live in a third world dictatorship run for corporations.


James Crawford
Advocate for an American way of life
that Protects, Supports & Respects every Citizen

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