Vaccine Primer

Physicians and health professionals are now speaking out clearly of the risks and dangers of vaccination. We have tip toed around the American Medical model long enough. Vaccines come with a great risk including juvenile diabetes, asthma, ADD, ADHD, and Autism. And never mind the more subtle injury of teenagers who can’t focus and are depressed.

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Comments (5)

Can we get names of as many sites as possible covering this kind of information in print? I’m still finding people saying inane things like, “well, there’s still a debate about whether vaccines work or are harmful.” It would help if we didn’t have to rely on YouTube videos! Thanks for your site. Janet

Hi Janet! Visit my blog entry and skip to the part where it says GOOD VACCINE INFO SITES.

My blog entry’s

Food vaccine education sites can add their own links via comments too. All links are rel=”follow”.

Best regards

Janet Holmes go to naturalnews .com and organicconsumersassociation .com and enter h1n1 vaccine in their window, for an entire page of articles in their sites,regarding this vaccine. Also type in “negative publicity on h1n1 vaccine” into your browser window, either in Yahoo or Google, and see what comes up..There is lots of truthful info out there on ALL vaccinations, H1N1 included, to be seen. Hope this helps.

Thank you so much for posting this video. I am sharing it on facebook and with everyone I know.

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