We Need Your Help

Dear Friend,

Today, you have the right to choose which vitamins, herbs, and supplements are best for you and your family. But your freedom to choose these products and your access to alternative and complementary treatment is under attack in Congress. Please donate to Citizens for Health today so that we can protect your rights and keep you informed.

Citizens for Health has a successful track record empowering consumers and defending your rights in law and policy. In 1994, we helped educate consumers and coordinate over 2.5 million letters to Congress supporting The Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA). Consumers won that hard-fought battle thanks to millions of people like you, who believe in their right to obtain and take dietary supplements.

We need your help again. Two weeks ago, Senators McCain and Dorgan introduced a bill called “The Dietary Supplement Safety Act ” which, if passed, will repeal key sections of DSHEA. Among other things it would give the FDA full discretion and power to compile a discreet list of supplements allowed to remain on the market while banning all others. You can learn more and sign our action request at https://citizens.org/?page_id=1868

Your donation today will help us educate and activate millions of people and protect your rights. We are posting frequent updates about the McCain and Food Safety bills at www.citizens.org, and will keep you informed.

The McCain bill, along with The Food Safety Bill (S. 510), represent a systematic attack on individual rights that directly impact how and what we choose to eat, prevent & treat disease and, promote our individual and family’s well-being. Indeed, in FDA hands, the authority created by these bills is likely to make both food and supplements less safe, less effective and much more costly.

Please donate online today at: www.citizens.org/?page_id=1779

Thank you for your support and solidarity!

Jim Turner

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Comments (2)

I believe, as an American born citizen, We have the upmost right to consume the right herbal, and vitamin supplements that we choose. It is high time the Government STAY OUT, and OFF our bodies. As long as it does not harm animals. We have EVERY RIGHT to live as we deem fit. Especially when it comes to OUR health products.

Leigh A. Arrathoon

Since I am allergic to drugs – deathly allergic – and have found that most doctors make me literally sick and endanger my life by insisting I use drugs, freedom to choose the course of treatment that best suits me is quite literally vital to me. I imagine I am not the only person with this problem. I have nearly died 4 times during my life because of drugs. I don’t want to try again! In addition to my personal plight, it is philosophically abhorent to me that the government should become involved with my body and my right to care for it as I see fit. It is another example of our shrinking freedoms in this country, and it needs to be addressed now before it gets any worse.

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