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UPDATE: Watch Senator Blumenthal’s press conference on the dangers of 5G: View it here. As the Senator notes, despite the FCC’s assurances that 5G is “safe,” “We need evidence.” And classified evidence is NOT enough. CFH and NISLAPP believe the available scientific evidence: The impact will be harmful. “We do not know it is safe” is very different than “It…
It is time for Americans who want net neutrality to speak up and tell the FCC what it needs, which is to support President Obama’s vision of a truly free, not an almost free, internet.
From our Read Your Labels Campaign, a recap of the series “Top Ten Food Additives to Avoid”, courtesy of Linda Bonvie Over the past few weeks, I’ve been blogging about the Citizens For Health selections of the top ten food additives to avoid in the “Read Your Labels” campaign. In case you missed any of the actors in this rogue’s…
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Dr. Bronner’s Magic Soaps, a California-based and family-owned maker of the top-selling natural brand of soap in North America, announced today that they have donated another $250,000 to Proposition 37, The California Right to Know Genetically Engineered Food Act. According to a press release announcing this from Dr. Bronner’s, “Prop. 37 has been losing support in voter polls due to…
Originally posted on by Linda Bonvie January 3, 2013 In mid-December 2012, to much fanfare, a dump truck poured 9.6 tons of white sand onto the parking lot of Howard County, Maryland’s Burleigh Manor Middle School as students shouted “Dump That Sugar!” The dumping display marked the official launch of Howard County Unsweetened, a multi-faceted, community-wide campaign to reduce…

Increasingly, FDA has used this ‘race to market’ language of DSHEA to prevent or remove safe and legitimate dietary ingredients from commerce By James J. Gormley, Gormley NPI Consulting, CFH President and Senior Policy Advisor This post first appeared on Nutraceuticals World, reposted with permission Today, 46% of the budget of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) comes from…
Yes on Proposition 37, California Right to Know For Immediate Release: September 25, 2012? Contact: Stacy Malkan, 510-542-9224, Russia today suspended the import and use of Monsanto’s genetically engineered corn, following a study released last week that found serious health problems in rats fed this corn, according to the Wall Street Journal. Last week, the French government called for an investigation…
By James S. Gordon, MD., founder and director of the Center for Mind-Body Medicine. He is the author of Unstuck: Your Guide to the Seven-Stage Journey Out of Depression. “It’s time to commit to programs that will serve our troops with the same fidelity with which they serve us. Since 2001, more United States troops have died from suicide than…
By author, activist, and concerned mother, Shiva Rose, via the Huffington Post This month here in California, we will have a chance to know what is in our food supply. Prop 37 will require companies to label foods so we as consumers can know for certain if a product is organic or not. As a mother attempting to feed my…
Learn About: The Emerging Public Health Issue From Cell Phones and Wireless Technologies. The trillion dollar wireless communications industry has grown to dominate our lives over the past decades yet little concern has been paid by U.S. public health officials to the long term health risks from continually bathing ourselves, and our children, in electromagnetic fields. Warnings From Around the…
Powerful corporate interests have become proficient in colluding with the state to shield themselves from having to compete in the free market. In this podcast, Deborah Stockton, Executive Director of the National Independent Consumers & Farmers Association speaks with Michael Ostrolenk about how the heavy-hand of government over-regulation is forcing many small, independent farms across the United States to close. The…
[NagAds id=5]Courtesy of Linda Bonvie FoodIdentityTheft Blogger and CFH Contributor May 14, 2013 So just how much high fructose corn syrup are you consuming, anyway? If you regularly dine out or eat processed foods, the chances are high you’re taking in more than you might have ever imagined. Back in the 1980s, when HFCS was a fairly new food ingredient,…

Hysterectomy Part II Compounding, and Its Importance to Me by Debbie Braaten Compounding (medical) – In the field of pharmacy, compounding is preparation of a custom formulation of a medication to fit a unique need of a patient that cannot be met with commercially available products. – Wikipedia It is difficult to put into words the all-encompassing life changes induced…

Increased use of facial recognition technology is moving the U.S. ever closer to a checkpoint nation. State and federal agencies, as well as private companies, are already capturing your most personal data, often without you even knowing. Now, a global vaccine passport utilizing your faceprint may be on the horizon. By Linda Bonvie What does China’s President Xi Jinping have…
This kld has a future in entertainment and maybe politics! We need more like him in our government. Excellent job!!!