Why Should We Label HFCS?

Sign Our Petition to the FDA to Label HFCS Accurately

Our petition requests that the FDA take action to protect the public from the illegal, mislabeled use of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS):

  1. Clearly identify the concentration of HFCS in the ingredient name
  2. Analyze HFCS concentrations in foods containing HFCS
  3. Require pre-market approval of HFCS formulations that vary from either 42 or 55 percent
  4. Enforce violations on food producers who manufacture food with HFCS outside ranges approved by the FDA

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Sign the Petition

Comments (60)

We need to know what is in our food at all times,labeling all processed food is a good start showing what is all in it.

Remove high fructose from products. With the rise in diabetics and obesity the amount of all sugars need to be reduced or eliminated .

I support Citizens for Health and all it’s efforts to label our food products.

I really want to know what is in the food that I’m ingesting. Please have the labelling accuragely reflect what is in the food.

I totally support labeling all of our food and any other products such as pet food that contains GMO products.

Sign me up!!

Time for honesty in our food supply!

Please label HFCS properly.

As a naturopathic doctor I have studied and realize the damage Genetic Modification is doing to the human digestive system. There is an epidemic of inflammatory bowel disease. I believe much of this originates in the modification of the foods we most commonly eat as a nation. People need to understand why they are getting sick, it is only fair to give them a fighting chance to defend themselves.

Stop mislabeled use of high fructose corn syrup. Now. Make our children fat and unhealth.

I request that all products that contain High Fructose Corn Syrup be labelled. The FDA need to take action to protect the public from the illegal, mislabelled use of high fructose corn syrup(HFCS).

Be honest, and label

It’s time to stop hiding poisons in our food.

Corn is not real food.

FDA ATTENTION: will you please show a response to the people of this country.
HFCS is essentially a poison!!!! So let us know when it is being put in our food, and to what concentrations. Analyze better the results of high concentrated HFCS foods in our diets.
Require pre-market approval of HFCS formulations that vary from 42 or 55 percent.
And most of all, ENFORCE those companies that violate the regulations and manufacture foods with HFCS outside the FDA-approved ranges.

Run away chemistry is poisonous us & killing our children and making their parents sick!!

PS — Send my comment to Monsanto — Thank you – G

I am Fructose intolerance. It is very important for my health to label the concentration of High Fructose corn syrup in any food product

I am Fructose intolerance. It is very important for my health to label the concentration of High Fructose corn syrup in any food product

This is so insane. What does the FDA stand for??? I thought they were for the protection of the people, yet once again they
continue to allow for poisons to be added to our food and for the most part do not even want us to know what is being added to our food supply. Does the word MONSANTO and GMO’s ring a bell with anyone?? What is going on in this great country of ours that the food we eat is sooooo tainted and we cannot do anything about it. PLEASE let’s all stand together and fight them.

I, Leonard Thornton, support Citizens for Health and all its efforts to label our food products. We have a right to know, and need to know, what is in our food at all times; labeling all processed food is a good start showing what all is in it!

Unlike what the commercials would have us believe, our bodies DO know the difference between “sugars” because it knows the difference between FOOD and POISON!

FDA do your job or get laid off. Please.

We need to know what is in our food at all times. Labeling all processed food as well as food with GMOs, is a good start showing what is all in it.

as the watchdog FOR consumers as it relates to our food where is you integrity allowing this product to even be sold? high fruitose corn syrup is addictive especially to kids. it is dangerous to any one health so AT LEAST have the decency to label it.

How can we reach “mainstream” population that absorbs and believes advertising? I am a certified health and nutrition coach and want to post this article.

Label all products with the true amount of HFCS!!

Scott Forbes, D.C., J.D.


At the very least, we need to know what is in our food and whether our foods have been unnaturally changed. I for one am infuriated that big corporations are being protected by the agencies that are charged with protecting the public health. This is unethical to say the very least.

We should know what we are eating and consuming.

HFCS is hidden in our food supply and is dangerous to health. It is not metabolized the same as sugar, and causes or enhances so many of the rampant diseases not seen in history to this extent in our country. Other countries recognize this, regulate and are healthier. Where is the FDA in all of this? I do not trust them an inch. They regulate what is healthy and do not regulate what is man made and promoted (and financed) by the chemical and biotech industries. It doesn’t take much to see who controls the FDA.

I, Beverly Kotsanis, support Citizens for Health and all its efforts to label our food products. We have a right to know, and need to know, what is in our food at all times; labeling all processed food is a good start showing what all is in it! Sugar of this kind causes cancer.

Thanks Beverly! But please note that comments posted here aren’t seen by the FDA – unless they see fit to peruse our site. Be sure to sign the petition and submit comments directly to the FDA. Thanks for your participation!

francisco Saldana

I agree with your point of view to be clear about the ingredients of the food that we buy.

People need to know what they are buying/eating.

Please do label HFCS accurately.

Marianne Mueller

Leonard Thornton

We have a right to know what is in all food products, especially things like High Fructose Corn Syrup, which is definitely a health hazard in many ways!

I have noticed that organic food now labels their products “Organic”, that works for me. At least they are taking the responsibility to let people know it is organic food.

I still think the responsible thing to do is Just Label It.

Too many heavy people dying from malnutrition.

This is a must! Everyone has a right to know what they are eating.

We should all know what we are eating and shop with companies that are willing to tell us and if they are not put them out of business.

For persons (like myself) with either allergies or intolerance issues, it is critical to know what is in the food we purchase. Thank you.

calling for proper labeling of products containing HFCS.

Wanda Schoenberner

Please be honest and label!

The only way to stay healthy is to know what you are putting in your body.

I feel it is every American’s right to know exactly what is in the food we are purchasing. Please label all of our food products. It is my right and yours to avoid all HFCS and GMO products.

Misleading advertising must NOT be allowed on food labels!

labeling all of our food,should be the law of the land.

We need to know what we are consuming in our foods at any given time. We have a right to know if we are eating HFCS & GMO foods so we can limit the damage to our bodies.

It is a disgrace that we should have to fight for such a basic right…the right to know what we are eating. As Americans continue to get sicker and sicker, these greedy people keep trying to put one over on us. It’s time to stop.

As a person with allergies to corn products and grass related products, I rely on food labels to be honestly presented.

I want to know what I and my family are eating. There are disclosures in place for all kinds of things and business in this world why oh why can we not get a disclosure on the food we don’t want to eat????

Convert that sweetener to fuel to run the factories and vehicles.

We have the right to know what is the Food and Drinks that we buy!

Robert F Hutchinson, CPA

As citizens, we have the right to know just exactly what we are injesting

Sign me up too. We have a right to know if our food contains GMO contamination and to what degree. We also need to know if our meat products contain antiobiotics or hormones.

Small farmers world wide, who use reproducible seeds will probably be forced out of business if the GMO market is forced upon them. That will be a sad day!

Why is it that our government which is suppose to be FOR the people has not made it illegal to poison the people with ingredients that are well documented to cause disease! Get any chemicals out of our food!…and then we wonder why we have a health care problem! WE THE PEOPLE WANT OUR FOODS TO BE NATURAL AND LABELED.

We have to take care of ourselves because the government, obviously is not doing what they are supposed to do.

I may have already signed…but this stuff is poison!!

I have severe allergy reactions to gluten and dairy products. I need to know what is in the food I eat! If I accidentally eat gluten or dairy, even crumbs, I will have the flu 2-3 days! Honest food labeling is essential for me!

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