You Depend On Your Health Freedoms – And We Depend On YOU

We at Citizens for Health are working around the clock to alert you about threats to the health freedoms we currently enjoy; to provide opportunities to fight back against those threats; and to organize the natural health community into a force for expanding our rights as consumers. Some of the more recent threats to these rights have focused on limiting access to the supplements we rely on to maintain our health, expanding the FDA’s regulatory authority over food (including supplements), and the censorship of the truthful, science-based information we need to make informed decisions about our health.

Over the past few weeks you’ve received a number of action alerts about these, and other, issues. Thanks to the thousands of you who have responded to these alerts and participated in our grassroots efforts to preserve your health freedom rights, some of these threats have been held at bay. However, we must remain vigilant and organized – those opposed to your rights as a consumer will exploit any opportunity to advance their oppressive agenda. Citizens for Health is on the front lines of this fight and we won’t rest until we are all free to make our own informed decisions about maintaining our health and about what we eat and drink. Such diligence requires resources, and that is why we need to urge you to turn the same commitment and zeal you’ve shown in responding to our action alerts toward supporting our work in another way.

Today, more than ever, we need your financial support in order to continue our role as the watchdog on issues affecting the natural health consumer. It’s no secret that opponents of health freedom – from pharmaceutical companies seeking to discredit the science behind supplements to the enshrined medical establishment eager to increase its stranglehold on consumers nationwide – have vast resources to dedicate to maintaining the status quo. However, we have an important resource they don’t – you.

Currently, we are the only consumer-based grassroots advocacy organization representing the interests of the natural health consumer, and our ability to do what we do is directly related to the budget that is available to us. With the recent barrage of attacks aimed at the natural health community, it’s more important than ever to develop a war chest of resources that will help us protect these valuable rights.

The success we’ve enjoyed in defending your rights would not have been possible without the generous financial help from our supporters going back to 1993 and our campaign to pass DSHEA. Click here to help us ensure similar success for years to come by making a donation today, and please give as generously as you can. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated.

Thank you so much for what you’ve already done to make our work possible,

Comments (2)

Robert F Goorey Jr.

Thanks to everyone at your end for hanging in there and keeping the fight going.

Robert Goorey

Yes, keep our supplements healthy and maintain our right to choose which we want to use.

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