You Did It!!!!!

Citizens for Health supporters made grassroots history last week by joining forces to amass over 12,000 “Withdraw the NDI Petition” signatures in 10 days! Here is a Thank You video tweaked by Australian truth rapper-activist, Jody Lloyd (aka “Trillion”):

Since over 12,000 of you made a commitment to health freedom and Citizens for Health (CFH) by signing your name to this critical petition to stop this FDA over-reach (!!!), we at CFH (Jim Turner and James Gormley) honored that commitment this past Friday by meeting with top aides from 11 key U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate offices, where we dropped off the petition along with the 12,686 signatures from all of you!

While we received the warmest reception at the offices of Congressman Darrell Issa (CA) and Congressman Ron Paul MD (TX) — thank you Congressmen and your aides! — we look forward to working with a number of Congressional movers-and-shakers to push for a withdrawal of this misguided Guidance.

We at CFH have been calling for the withdrawal of this Guidance since September 13th, and we are pleased that the health-food industry associations are now calling for the Guidance withdrawal as well.

With signatures now approaching 15,000 even though the official comment period is over, we are going to continue to collect petition signatures and pass them along (in batches) to Congress and the FDA.

In the days ahead, we will be following up with the 11 legislators whose offices we visited in order to ask for their support in calling on the FDA to withdraw the Guidance and to hold a public hearing if it is not immediately withdrawn.

You can rest assured that your having made history with this petition will not be forgotten, and we use the power of your signatures, and your commitment, to achieve continued consumer health-freedom victories!

Comments (11)

I’m so proud that I was able to help such a worthy cause. Thank you for your hard work and dedication! Thank you for letting me share a tiny bit in the glory of your efforts.

Dear Angelia,
Your signature, and continued commitment, is the glory, and that of the other over 15,000 supporters (and counting) who cared enough to take action on such an important issue. We are basking in YOUR glory, not the other way around!
Stay tuned, and thank you!!
James (Gormley) and the CFH Team

Thank you CFH Team for all of your hard work and letting us know when we need to take action on issues. A big Thank You to CFH and all the signers of this petition!!!!

Thank YOU Dena….we will do our best to keep you and all supporters updated on this issue, and others, as they come up!

I think its time we start removing the people from office who are not responding to the voice of the people, plain and simple.
The good people of this great nation of ours did not create the financial problems this country is facing these politicians we elect have lined their pockets and left us holding the bag.
I think its time we stand together on this very important issue because if this bill passes, we will have lost our freedom of choice and will certainly live to regret that day.

Excellent news. Of course Ron Paul welcomes this. Since I take quite a few of the supplements on the list of potentially banned supplements (Resveratrol, ALA, NAC, etc), I know pretty much the only way I will be guaranteed access these supplements is to elect more people like Ron Paul. We need politicians that support health liberty. Very few of them even care about health liberty (or any liberty for that matter!).

I feel so proud to be able to say I was a part of this movement. Thank goodness for people like Jim and James and everyone of you that signed this petition. Now on to more good works to save our health. Thanks!!

Dear Sherry,
It’s thanks to supporters like you that we (1) are able to and (2) have the inspiration to keep working and fighting on behalf of American consumers!
Thank YOU!
The Citizens for HealthTeam

You are aiming too low. This item should be brought to the direct attention of the White House. If the President sees that a misguided FDA action has the potential of angering some 50 million Americans who are vitamin and supplement users, he would immediately direct the FDA director to withdraw the proposal. If she refuses, he can ask for her resignation. He should be able to clearly see that a perception that he is supporting the FDA on this issue could scuttle his prospects for reelection in 2012.

It’s all about money. Here’s the proof:

I have some artwork that could go with this if anyone is interested.

I can buy a 90-day supply of Niacin (Vitamin B-3) for $10.00.

But if I were to opt for the pharmaceutical copycat – Niaspam –
it would cost anywhere from $100 to $300.

The proof is in the math!

The FDA should be cleaned out of pharmafolk!

[…] Representatives from CFH (Jim Turner and James Gormley) honored that commitment on December 2nd by  meeting with top aides from 11 key U.S. House of Representatives and U.S. Senate offices, where we dropped off the petition along with the 12,686 signatures from many of you! […]

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